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sorry pwebos we waz busy -cici

Cici's p.o.v

I do not like patato bag. but I do not like anybody anyway except for maybe panda and seto. "so you guys going?" I asked. "yea" panda said and seto simply nodded his head. we walked off. when we arrived at Wendy's we sat by the guys. panda forcefully got me to sit next to sky, which was across from patato bag. panda sat next to patato bag and seto next to her. panda did most of the talking out of the three of us, I only answered with short replys. then we came to the topic of hobbies. they asked panda what her favorite hobby is. "uhhmmm well.... youtube, gaming, art, music, basically internet stuff... oh! and making minecraft youtuber fanfiction on wattpad!" panda said. "uhh. minecraft youtuber fanfiction? do you mean us?" someone said. "Yea! ive even thought of more to do right now!" "how bout you?" someone asked seto. seto muttered something no one really caught. panda probably heard what he said. "what did you say?" Jason asked him. Seto froze on the spot. he got up and started walking towards the exit, then started running. panda chased after.  Jason then questioned, "did I do something wrong?" "great job loud mouth." I answered. "it wasn't his fault." patato bag raised his voice. "whatever, ive murdered people better than you." I said. now they're all staring at me. "wait WHAT!?!" bodil exclaimed. "no way! im calling the cops!" patato bag said, taking his phone out his pocket. "your face will be too pumbled to even say anything." I say standing up in my chair. he got up too. "what? you think you can take me on?" patato bag said, also standing up. "I know I can." I say launching across the table and knocking him back. He rolled to his feet. I jumped up. he tried to punch, but I dodged to the side grabbed his arm, pulling him forward and landed an uppercut to his gut. he swinged, I didn't expect him to recover so fast. His fist hit my left shoulder, pain shot up my collarbone. I slid between a gap in his legs. I turned, pulling out my 4 inch japanese tokeshu knife. he turned, eyes widening when he saw it. "cheater" he said, catching side glances. "you may never overestimate me, but you should never underestimate me." I replied. someone grabbed me from behind, I was so surprised I dropped the knife. it clattered on the floor and was kicked away out of nowhere. there was a loud bang! the windows shattered. the tables and chairs flew back. everyone was on the floor and whoever grabbed me was also blown back. my head buzzed and my ears rang. I closed my eyes and groaned, when I opened them panda and seto stood in front of me. panda said something but I couldn't hear her over the ringing, I understood though. I tried to walk but I stumbled and fell on my hands and knees. I grabbed my scorpion amulet from my dark purple tank top. my head cleared and I slowly stood up. some people were regaining consciousness. that was our cue. we walked out and back to our apartment.

Sorry for not updating! I couldn't really update because we couldn't use the laptop together. cici needs to be here obviously because its her p.o.v. and im a faster typer than her so yeah. im already planning on making another bo- I mean the next chapter

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