There's Always Hope

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Ryan's POV

Since Chris and Angelo had left to go meet some fans, I had hidden in my bunk, looking through tweets and favouriting artwork or sweet messages from the fans.

For ages I was in my bunk but unfortunately it wasn't long until my phone ran out of battery and died on me. With a massive sigh, I crawled out of the bunk to go in search of my charger.

I opened the door to the main area where I unfortunately got a glimpse off Balz shoving his tongue down Ghost's throat on the couch.

"Ewwy!" I yelled, deciding to be a child, which startled the two a part. Baz had scrambled up from the sofa and began to run towards me but I shut the door to the bunks and locked it.

I couldn't stop laughing as I leant against the door as Balz repeatedly hit it. However, the knocking soon stopped so it was likely Ghost had pulled him away to continue their make out session.

"Ryan?" Ricky said quietly from his bunk, his voice sad and quiet. I wondered what was wrong with him because he hasn't been the same since I stalked the happy couple.

"Wassup Rick?" I said and pull back the curtain on his bunk to see him. His eyes looked red and sore. Had he been crying?

"Where's Angelo?" He asked. If he had a problem that caused him to cry it's not surprising he wanted to talk to Angelo as he seemed to be the one we all tell our problems to.

"I haven't seen him or Chris in a while. No clue what they're up too." Climbing into the bunk, I sat down next to Ricky and wrapped my arm around his shoulders in a half hug. "But you can talk to me if you want buddy."

He looked up at me with big puppy like eyes, "You won't tell anybody will you?"

Smiling softly, I rubbed his arm reassuringly, "I promise, Rick."

He looked down at his hands and I found myself watching his slender hands aswell. Then I noticed something hit his hands. Tears. "I... I... I'm in love with Devin..."

I couldn't help but stare wide eyed but I knew Ricky would rather I acted calm. "Oh Rick..." I frowned, "I'm so sorry you have to go through seeing Balz and Ghost..."

Sobs began to come from the smaller male so I pulled him into a proper hug and I felt my t-shirt get damp from under his face. I felt for Ricky, I really did. No one should have to see someone they love with someone else.

The sobbing slowly got quieter but tears continued. Ricky released a shakey sigh, "Maybe... if I had actually admitted my feelings to him in the first place...I could of had him."

I smiled weakly down at him. "There's always hope, Rick. There's always hope..."

Hello little ghosts!
Another little update for you all. A little sad chapter unfortunately but I hope you liked

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