Chapter 1

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I kick the gravel road that's under me, I let out a sigh brushing a strand of chocolate brown hair that happened to escape my pony tail behind my ears. The backpack on my back full of supplies I'll need if I manage to survive to Camp Half Blood. You see, it has been deadly silent for the last month as I've journeyed from my home town Indiana to New York. Think that's a good thing? Think again, because it sure as hades is never this quiet, and when it is it means something 20x worse is about to take place, and no one ever wants to on the end of that storm. Small talk has been going around, people saying that something different is going on, for once it's not gods or monsters or heck maybe even a mountain ogre with bad digestion, they say it's something worse. Something no one expected. Something...Mortal.

Now I don't think of myself as the bearer of bad news, but I think it's highly possible that mortals have started making connections, I mean olympus knows that they weren't going to think of the books as fake for that many years.

I was reaching into my backpack to pull out a water bottle, not too far away from camp when I heard the familiar sound of metal clanging on metal.

I cock my head to the side when I heard a frustrated voice yell, "Just die already!"

Immediately I unsheathed my dagger from my side and ducked behind a tree. Cautiously, I tilt my head around the tree to see a boy who was built like a football player, struggling to fight a small girl who had a mechanical leg for one side, and a donkey leg for the other.

"Empousa." I said with the roll of my eyes. I sit back for a moment watching him furrow his eyebrows deflecting her strikes with his sword, but not managing to hit her at all. I held back a small laugh, The empousa was about my height (5'0 I'm short okay?) and looked about 13 in human years, granted she was probably 1,000 years in monster time. The boy however? He looked around 15 , which is my age, around 8 or nine inches taller than me and he still couldn't make a strike.

I tilted my head, an amused expression played on my lips, I knew his stance was too wide. He was a good fighter I could tell, probably a child of Ares, but his short temper made it hard for him to wait and strike, he want to slash and go.

"Make a shorter stance." I called crossing my arms leaning against a tree. I eyed the empousa, I wasn't scared, I would just as easily zap her out of the sky if she walked over here, small perks of being a Zeus kid, not that I like it all to much. Guess that's why I wasn't really biting at the bits to jump in.

I managed to catch them both off guard as they both snap their heads over to look at me. I give a small wave like 'Hello, yes it's me, please no photos'. He took that moment to strike, slashing her into nothing but gold shimmering dust.

His sword turned back into a blue yo-yo and he tossed up up catching it. I'll give him brownie points, for that's pretty creative.

"Thanks for the unneeded distraction. I had everything under control." He said rolling his eyes and pushing by me to go up the hill.

"I've learned that when people say 'I have it all under control', they usually don't have it under control." I shrugged sheathing my dagger back into its holder and following him up to the Camp Half Blood entrance.

"Then consider me an exception." He sent a sarcastically sweet smile, by the way he held himself I could tell he was an Ares child.

"Mhm. Sure." I say, a small smile playing on my lips. It was amusing to have someone who could care less on what I have to say.

Suddenly I'm flipped over on the ground with the oofph of the air being knocked out of my lungs. I open my eyes to see him standing above me with a smirk promptly placed on his face.

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