Hi guys, I got a request for this movie to be added to the Pixar theory, so here we go. And by the way I came up with this pretty much on my own, so if there is any confusion, let me know. Also spoilers, maybe, but be warned, just in case there are. I hope you enjoy it. And if you find any holes, let me know.
So basically the emotions cause everything to happen. They are in everything. Well everything that has a personality. As the cars, toys, robots, and bugs develop personalities, they also need to develop emotions. If you go back to all of the characters you see dominant emotions in all of them. Where the emotions tie into most however is in Monsters Inc.
Notice how there is a big energy crisis when the best monsters ever start scaring the kids. Doesn't really make sense, does it? Wouldn't the monsters have figured out in the past that laughter worked better than scaring? Well they didn't, because laughter didn't work better than scaring at first. Through time the primary emotion in most children evolved from Fear, slowly into Joy. It makes sense too.
For example in Brave it was the dark ages, so surely fear would have dominated most of the children's emotions, especially with all the poverty, and wild animals running around. The same thing in The Incredibles. There was so much crime in the city that super heroes had to be introduced into the population to help eliminate fear. Well it kinda backfired, because how do you think your kids would react if they saw a flying man start to freeze half the city in an effort to stop someone from robbing a bank. It would seem pretty scary, and also a little excessive. So then Fear comes back as the dominant emotion in kids. But as the machines evolve as we see in Wall-E, people start to have easier, happier, and more relaxing lives. Not just for the kids though. By this point in time the monsters would have had an extremely hard time trying to scare the kids. They would be in an even worse energy crisis, if they had dent switched over to laughter instead.
So basically what I'm saying is, is that Joy wasn't always the dominant emotion in kids, like it was with Riley. In fact when times were rough, and the world seemed like an extremely scary place, Fear was the dominant emotion in children. Therefor explaining why the monsters didn't think of making kids laugh instead of scream any sooner. Because like most other things, emotions change based on living standards.
Disney Pixar Theory
De TodoI found something cool on the internet last week, and now I'm like obsessed with this. Ok so basicly there is this theory going around about how every single movie in Disney Pixar takes place in the same universe. If you like this and want more theo...