Happy Birthday!

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Tom, Damon and Basilius smile at each other hands full as they tip toe quietly out of their room. They are going to give their Daddy the best birthday that they can. Although, all three of them know it is one of the days when their Daddy struggles not to break down.

Harry has done very well to make sure that the triplets don't see just how much pain he is in. He doesn't want them to grow up to hate their Fathers, since Harry knows that they would love him and the triplets maybe even more than he does.

The three of them enter into Harry's room cautiously, since they get that their Daddy doesn't like them entering without permission. Each of them can only hope that he will let them of because they want to surprise him on is birthday and try and make him smile.

"Happy Birthday Daddy!" Tom, Damon and Basilius chorus out together.

Harry stirs from his sleep and look to the three young ones infront of his bed. He smiles at them happy that they love him so much and he knows that he is so lucky to have them. After all they are the reason he keeps on going and that will never change.

"Come here my three little monsters." Harry tells them and the three climb onto his bed chuckling at Harry's catching one of them and tickling them and then going to the other, carrying on until he has got each of them at least two times.

Damon hugs his Daddy wishing that he could bring back their Papa and Dada to make him whole again. Tom and Basilius catch on and hug Harry as well wanting to help as well. Harry hugs them back resisting the urge to cry because he understands very well what his triplet monsters are thinking.

"We made you cards and presents." Basilius admits as he scurries of the bed to get the things they left on the floor infront of their Daddy's bed.

Harry shakes his head as both of his other son's go to help their youngest triplet. He sees that no matter what the three of them will take care of each other. Which helps Harry's heart to come to terms with the fact that soon his three little monsters will be sleeping in dorm rooms. He can only hope that they stay in the same house, but he has an idea that it probably won't happen.

Harry accepts the cards from his youngest reading each one carefully.

First is Tom's and he smiles at the fancy handwriting that is similar to his Papa's was along with the loving message that his Dada used to give to him, then run out of the room before he was able to read them.

Second is Damon's he shakes his head at the image on the front. He can say know that his middle son got his brilliant talent for drawing, which isn't what most wizards can do as they focus more on magic skills. He places it down on the bed next to him with the one from his oldest.

Third and final is Basilius' which is the sweetest one with Daddy's scrawly handwriting, but it is also very intelligent. He smiles at his youngest loving them all equally, but all three know he will always have a soft spot for Basilius. Especially because of how sickly he was as a baby, but Tom and Damon don't mind since they also have a bigger soft spot for their youngest triplet than each other.

Harry loves these cards better than the ones he might have brought for his sons to sign for him. They have been able to surprise him so much with just the cards alone, but the present take it up a notch. He opens each one carefully.

In the one from Basilius is a drawing of the four of them with their papa and dada looking down on them. Telling him that no matter what they will always be looking out for all of them from where they are. Harry pulls Basilius into his arms kissing him letting a few tears fall from his face before Basilius wipes them away for him.

Harry lets Basilius free when Tom gives him the present he got for him. Harry opens the box carefully not trusting the prankster in his oldest which he got from his side of the family. Tears dribble down Harry's face as he takes in the collage his oldest triplet has created for him from image of him and their Papa and Dada.

Tom wipes away Harry's tears knowing that they are happy tears, but also tears of loss. All three know that their Daddy is broken and hurts when it comes to days that he used to spend with his husbands and their sires. Harry kisses Tom's head whispering a thank you in his eldest sons ear.

Damon smiles at Harry as he hands him his present from him. Harry smiles back to his son sadly, since he wishes that his husbands were here to see this and be with them all once again. He knows that it isn't fair on their children that they never got to meet or spend any time with their sires and even Harry only had a short amount of time with them.

Harry banishes the thoughts from his mind so he can focus on what is going on now. But, he knows all to well that when he is alone tonight he will not be able to banish the feelings and the way he is thinking.

Carefully Harry unwraps the present in his hands taking his mind of off his deceased husbands. He takes out the small snow globe that his son must have made with the help of magic and then he notices the image of him, Tom, Damon and Basilius. Harry smiles fondly at the memory of the day the photo was taken.

Harry pulls the three young boys into his arms and they all squeal not really expecting him to do so. Basilius quickly hugs his Daddy back, since he is a Daddy's boy followed by Damon and Tom. None of them let go of each other liking the closeness of their family. Harry can only hope that no one tries to separate him from his children because it will end very badly for them.

Hermione sits down at the dinner table in her and Ron's home wishing that her best friend was here. She can never put her mind of it when his birthday rolls around, although Ron doesn't even bother to think about it anymore. He has made new friends and got other the disappearance of their best friend.

Hermione looks to each of her children sitting down at the table waiting for their Father to arrive. Their first born Lily who she found out she was pregnant with a week after Harry disappeared, then Jacob a year later just after she and Ron married as per the wish of his parents, next was Angel who they believed was boy until the moment she popped her out. Lastly was the child they thought they would never be able to have Baily.

"How are my adorable ones?" Ron asks as he enters the room and then sits down at his place at the dining room table.

"We are okay." Their children say at the same time wanting to eat their food right away.

Hermione smiles happy that her children all have a healthy appetite like their Father, but are more dignified with their ways of eating then he will ever be. Ron glances at his wife witnessing the sadness showing in them and then he remembers the date. He hate his supposed best friend for going the way he did.

"My beloved it will be fine. You don't have to worry about that person anymore." Ron tells her glaring down at his food.

Hermione sighs understanding what her husband is thinking. She cannot blame Harry for his actions the way Ron does. He lost so much and she gets that he had to leave to get better, but she doesn't like that he didn't at least to talk to them both about it before disappearing.

"Muma are you okay?" Baily asks worried about his mother as well as being a mommy's boy the way he is.

"Yeah I am fine. Lets eat." Hermione tells them with a tight smile.

Harry climbs into his bed exhausted from the days activities with his son's trying to make this one of the best birthday's. He smiles sadly knowing that this was one of the best ones, but it cannot top the one when he and his husband's bounded to each other.

Tears flow down his face stinging his eyes.

He goes back falling into the memory of the very early hours of his birthday. It was the three of them, two witnesses, Fenrir Greyback and Rabastan Lestrange, along with Rodolphus Lestrange performing the ceremony. He will never forget the way the two of them kissed him with so much passion and love.

Harry pulls out of the memory not able to take anymore. He sobs not able to hold back the whimpers of pain wishing that the two of them are here with him right now to chase away all the hurt.

He cries himself to sleep just before Tom, Damon and Basilius tip toe into his room like they did that morning and climb into bed with. They snuggle up to him knowing that it will help comfort him. They have done this on every single one of his birthdays, since they were able to understand why the day causes him so much pain and grief.

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