So, I have school tomorrow, (oh sweet Jesus Christ, wish me luck, cause I have to run a MILE in 95 DEGREE HEAT in, wait for it, GEORGIA! I'm gonna die). So now I'm just sitting here, lingering about the meaning of life and the universe and all that lovely ****, excuse that language, and so I listened to the extended theme song, fangirling about that Lapis and Peridot part, mostly about Lapis, and so whatever. Well, now I'm just sitting here, using the LAO:SVU season 16 finale, and waiting for season 5 of Once Upon A Time to come out, OMG THAT ENDING WAS INTENSE!, And also waiting for the sequel to Where Loyalties Stray, cough, hint, hint, CheerfulMelody, cough. Well, I'm going to bed. Triple-L out. Peace!
(drops microphone)