Chapter 7

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Chapter 7.

Brodie's P.O.V

Thump. Laughing. Thump. Laughing. Thump. Thump. Laughing. Pretty much explained my morning, which thanks to my little sister, Rebecca, who just turned 3, was pretty annoying. But I loved her to death non the less. I got up, stretched, grabbed Rebecca and began tickling her all over until tears were pretty much pouring out of her eyes. I stopped tickling her and held her in front of me. "Are you excited to see my girlfriend today!?”

She looked at me with eyes like a puppy - well she pretty much is one but still - she doesn't know that yet! But with those puppy dog eyes, she nodded her head so much I thought it would fall off! I laughed and set her down to walk down to my kitchen.

I got to my kitchen and all my family were there; Kira, she’s the oldest, she’s 19. Next there’s Isabella, she’s the closest to me, she’s 18.Then there’s Kale he’s 16, cool kid. Then Brooklyn she’s around 13 I think. And last is Rebecca, the cute 3 year old! It wasn’t too big of a family but it was big.

I had around 2 hours before school starts, so I decided to go out for a run. ''I'm going for a run guys. I'll be back soon!'' With that I walked out of the house and onto the deck in the back of the house. Since I was the alpha my house was pretty big, not as big as the Pack House but around the same.

I shifted into my big black wolf, who had a little white on his left ear, I ran until I got to the lake - my favourite spot in the territory. I walked up to the lake and put my first two paws in, testing how cold it was… It was pretty cold. My wolf inside of me was thinking about Sachelle, and how he just wanted to mate with her. We’ve known each other for 3 weeks, not a lot, I know, but when you’re a wolf it’s normal to mate within the first week! Of course I would never force her to mate with me.

The run back to the house was so peaceful…  Until there was an un-usual wolf lurking in the woods by my 3rd in command, Chris' house! I studied the wolf, not too big; I could definitely take him on. You could tell he wasn’t an alpha because of his size.

I barked, earning the wolf’s attention - he bowed his head in a sign of respect, showing that he meant no harm. I shifted into my human form behind a tree and changed into the clothes I had been carrying - beige shorts and a white and blue stripped shirt - hoping that he would do the same. He went off behind a tree to shift. You could tell he wasn’t coming out from them trees, since he didn’t have any clothes with him. I understood, he looked around my age. With dark brown hair, blue eyes, pretty tall, not taller than me but maybe around 6'2.

''Want to tell me why you’re in my territory?" I asked the wolf. "I'm sorry. I can tell by your sent you’re alpha- I don’t mean any harm," he answered, "well, I wondered off..." He started trailing off. "Well get going, and if you see anyone else and they stop to ask you questions, tell them alpha Brodie said you were allowed to be here until the end of the day. Understand?" I questioned the wolf "Alright, thank you," and with that he bowed and left.

I looked at the time; it was around 7:30. School started at 8:00 so I started heading back to the house.

By the time I got back to the house it was 7:40. 10 minutes to get ready since the drive to the school was 10 minutes.

I went up to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, after I spiked the front of my hair up a little just for Sachelle, I decided I wasn’t going to change since my clothes I had on now weren’t bad.

I yelled my goodbyes to my sisters and my brother, Kale, and went to go see mom. "Hey mom." I started trailing off. "Oh god, what is it?" She asked smirking. "Um… well I told you I found my mate right?" I asked making sure I told her, if I didn’t I think she would have killed me! "Yes! Goodness, when are we going to meet her, son?" Mom asked. I laughed as I said "well that’s what I'm here to talk to you about. Today after school do you think she coul-" that was as far as I got until mom cut me off. "YES OF COURSE! I can’t wait!"

I walked away laughing. My mom was around 38 years old, but since she is a werewolf she looks 26. She had long blonde hair, with blue-green eyes, her name’s Lori. Then there’s my dad- he’s 40, but looks around 38. I get my looks from him; he has brown hair and blue eyes, he’s 6'5, a bit taller than me but built the same. While I'm the alpha for the strongest and biggest pack in the world, dad is kind of my own alpha; he helps me make up my mind for the pack and stuff.


I arrived at school around 5 minutes late, but that’s not a big deal since Sachelle wasn’t in my first class - that makes me sound whipped, but oh well. I walked off to my class, science, and waited for the end of the day so Sachelle was all mine.


so i lied. woops.. the 'meet the parents' thing is going to be next chapter

and I put my back out so writing this for you guys hurts ahah

next update: monday

alsooooo this chapter is dedicated to Caitlin Lawlor! for helping me edit! (:

um.. comment, like,vote,,sharee. all that good stuff!


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