♡Christmas Kiss♡

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Shino POV~

I woke up and got ready, with a smile on my face. As I was putting on my jacket I heard someone call my name. I looked out my window and saw Kirito waving me. "I'll meet you outside!" he said. "Okay!" I smiled and exited my house.

After Kirito came to meet me on the sidewalk, we went to town. We were talking and laughing as we passed the shops, lights sparkling around us. I caught a glimpse of chestnut hair and knew the day had became instantly worse. "Hi Shino!" Asuna called. "Hello Kazuto!" she waved over to us. I forced a smile and waved back. 'Why?!' I wondered. She walked over and started talking with Kirito. I looked away from them and started waking in silence, adverting my gaze. I already knew my day with Kirito was over.

Kirito's POV~

I was talking with Asuna but I didn't hear Shino say anything. I looked over and saw that she was looking the other way, farther away than she was before Asuna showed up. I nudged her arm and when she looked over, I smiled. She looked shocked for a brief moment and looked away again. I nudged her once more. "What's wrong Shino?" I asked. "Oh. Nothing's wrong." she replied. Then Asuna started talking again and I saw Shino advert her gaze from me. 'Is Shino okay?' I wondered.

Shino's POV~

I heard a phone buzz and looked over. Asuna looked at her phone and turned towards us. "Sorry, but I have to go." Asuna told us. "See you two later!" she smiled. 'Have I been blessed on this day?!' I thought. Asuna kissed Kirito on the cheek and than ran off. I saw Kirito smile and blush. 'Guess I've been cursed.' I felt that annoying pain jab into my heart. I felt something well up in my eyes. I know it was stupid to cry over something so minor like this, but I loved Kirito too and seeing him have feeling for someone else killed me. I looked away and quickly wiped my eye. I started walking a bit faster. I didn't want him to see me get upset about something so childish. Especially when it was about him.

"Shino?" Kirito called. He caught up with me and looked over. "Tell me what's wrong." he said. I kept my head low, but forced a smile and looked up at him. "What do you mean? I'm fine." I told him, my voice caught as I finished saying 'fine'. I cursed at myself under my breath. Kirito looked at me concerned but smiled. "I know that's not true Shino. Please tell me." I walked a bit farther from him again. He ran up and grabbed my shoulder. "Shino..." he said. I felt my eyes grow wet again. Though this time I didn't wipe the tears. I kept my head down so he couldn't see. He was silent for a minute, so as curiosity spread through me, I started to look up.

Kirito was blushing and looking into my black eyes. I stared back into his dark eyes, puzzled. Why was he blushing? He started leaning towards me. "K-Kirito?" I asked. I started looking around until I glanced up. Tied to a lamp post was a small bunch of berries and spiked leaves. Mistletoe was hanging above are heads. I felt my face grow hot and turned my attention back towards Kirito. He was so close to my face, both of our faces red. Then his lips touched mine. They were so soft and sweet. My eyes grew wide with shock but soon I accepted the kiss, a dream becoming reality. I kissed back and he wrapped his arms around my waist. I could faintly hear bells ringing and Christmas carols in the background.

Kirito's POV~

After what seemed like forever, we pulled away from each other. I smiled when I looked at Shino's red face. My face was probably the same though. We looked at each other for a while until Shino adverted her gaze and wiped her tears. "S-So...what do you wanna do?" she stuttered. I started to chuckle and Shino looked over at me, embarrassed. "W-What?" she questioned. "Merry Christmas Shino!" I told her. She smiled at me and said, "Merry Christmas Kirito!"

For the rest of the day, we continued walking around town. We laughed and smiled all day, not interrupted by anything. As we made our way back to our houses and waved good bye, I went up to my room and laid down on my bed. I remembered the kiss that Shino and I had shared and felt blush creep into my cheeks. I had decided. Shino was the one. But deep inside I faintly remembered how I felt when Asuna kissed my cheek. I placed my hand over my face and debated with myself for the rest of the night. Though I still knew the answer. I had chosen Shino.

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