Chapter 2 - Charlie Anderson

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"Hi" I squeak

"Hey I'm Charlie and I'm guessing your Taylor?" He says so smooth and at ease.

"Yeah...I guess that's me" I say so quietly he probably doesn't hear.

"Cool........... So um homeroom?"

"Oh yeah it's, em just this way" I mutter

"So how long have you been here?"

"All my life. Where are you from?"

For the next couple of minutes we talk and I find out he used to live in Michigan and moved cause of problems that he didn't say. He has a younger brother and 3 younger sisters.

"Hey Tay!" My brother comes up to me and swings his arm around my shoulder. "Who's this you got here? A new boyfriend? Well thanks for introducing me to him."

"This is Charlie Anderson and he is in my homeroom."

"Oh that's cute, how long have you been going out?"

"NICK! We are not going out! He's new so I'm taking him to homeroom."

"Well ok! I'll see you at the end of school." He walks off to his homeroom and I turn and speak to Charlie.

"Sorry about him, that's my older brother Nick, he's a senior, he is just like that. I don't see why everyone worships him." I explain.

"It's cool. I don't mind." Charlie replies shrugging his shoulders.

Oh man he's so hot!

The corridors are empty as homeroom started 5 minutes ago. We keep talking until we reach homeroom.

"Miss Jones, I hope you have a valid reason to explain why you are late?" My homeroom teacher Mrs Gates says.

"Sorry Mrs Gates I was told to take Charlie this morning"

"Ah right that's ok then. Mr Anderson introduce yourself to the class."

I listen to what he told me on the way over again.

"Thank you Charlie, please sit down."

I groan as he slumps down next to me. Oh great I can't help but blah when I'm around him. What am I going to do now?

The bell rings and I scurry out I the class room where I feel an arm link round mine.

"Oh hey Carls." I say

"Hey, miss I'm all red in the face and can't stop smiling" she chirps

"What I'm not blushing"


Just at that moment Charlie saunters out of the classroom.

"Hey Taylor, hey..."

"Carly!" Carly replies quickly and eagerly.

"So English?" He asks.

I mumble "okay let's go"

Great this is going to be a long day.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2014 ⏰

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