A Wonderful Night To Die (Jalex)

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Alex stared at himself in the mirror, tears streaming down him face. Blood was all over the bathroom floor. Alex looked down at his scarred, bleeding wrists. He slowly opened the medicine cabinet and took out two unopened bottles of pills. He didn't bother reading the label. Alex sat down on the floor of the bathroom and started to open the bottles. Suddenly, the front door opened. Jack.

"Alex?" Jack called from downstairs.

No response.

Alex began to take the pills, three at a time.

"Alex? Where are you?" Jack yelled.

Soon Alex heard footsteps running up the stairs. Jack slowly opened the door to see his best friend, sitting on the bathroom floor, covered in blood and surrounded by pills.

"Alex!" Jack cried out, running to his best friends side.

Jack grabbed towels and wrapped them around Alex's wrist. Jack looked around the bathroom to see the Alex hadn't consumed more than 10 pills. Jack sighed in relief. He pulled Alex into his lap and began to tend to his wounds.

When Jack finished with Alex, he picked him up and brought him to his bed. Jack set Alex down slowly on his bed. Jack laid next to him and put an arm around the smaller boys shoulder. Alex curled up at Jack's side and rested his head on his chest.

"Why?" Jack whispered.

Alex stayed calm, and answered,"Tonight seemed like a wonderful night to die."

"Why would you ever want to do this to yourself?" Jack asked, sounding sad.

"I just didn't see a point anymore, Jack. No one really loves me. Ever since I lost Tom, I've wanted to end it all," Alex said, quietly.

"Alex, I love you. I always have and always will," Jack whispered.

"I-I love you too, Jack," Alex said.

"Just please. Please, promise me this, If you ever want to hurt yourself of ever have suicidal thoughts again, you can talk to me anytime," Jack said, calmly.

"Thanks Jack, I will," Alex responded.

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