Marked part 1

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So I made my way to find them.

Jay's POV
When I found Hallie, she was daydreaming probably about Josh but the mate bound can do that.
I was about to yell her name when Josh came up behind me and said "I'm sorry... I should have told you, then Emily wouldn't have ran away", I just nodded.
Hallie then saw both of us standing there she waved us in and said "What do you want", I replied "I need to talk to both of you about Emily", Hallie didn't look impressed and Josh just wanted the food that Emily and her friends were making.
So I continued "I want to mark Emily bu..." , Hallie stopes me before I was finished "You are now marking my best friend, you could hurt her and she's been through enough, she doesn't need you biting her", I looked at Josh probably daydreaming about Hallie.
Emily was standing at the door, I thought when did she get her and did she hear any of our conversation.
She said "I've been here for the last 5 minutes and Hallie seriously, it's not up to you of he marks me", ok, so she did hear.
"Jay I would love for you to mark me but maybe later, dinner is ready and we have guest in over", she said in one big breath.
Josh and Hallie walked out and made their way over to the food, Emily just looked in my eyes for about 5 minutes until, Hallie said "Emily hurry up", she broke out of her daze and made her way towards the food.
I wanted to call for her but I couldn't after that long stare something happened but I don't know what.
When I made it Hallie and Josh were talking, Emily's friends were talking and Emily just looking out the window at the woods.
I yelled out "Emily wants wrong, did I do something, she then fell to the ground.
I wanted to mark her well she was on the ground, but I didn't "Later", Rex said trying to help.
Hallie rushed over and yelled "WE NEED A DOCTOR".
Josh ran to the pack doctor, Hallie spoke "This is why she left because of her fainting, she wasn't aloud outside".
I growled that she blamed my beautiful mate.
I spoke back "Emily said that she left because she just turned 16 and wanted to find her mate", Josh spoke up "Well she lied to you".
I couldn't take it anymore.......I was Rex.
I ran, for Josh but I heard someone speak....It sounded like Emily's, it said "Stop fighting your a pack, your family.....please".
I just stopped..........The pack doctor showed up and Hallie said "She was just standing here then she fainted, but she faints all the time".
The pack doctor didn't say anything, she just give me a look, as I was still in wolf form and back at Emily.
I went to OUR room to shift back, when I came out Josh was carrying Emily to a room, I growled but then the voice said "Stop fighting your a pack, your family.....", so again I stopped.
I followed everyone to the room that Emily was know in, I wanted to yell but I didn't, maybe I'm a course of her fainting.
Emily woke up and said " I would like to Jay alone", but not in her Luna voice.
Everyone left, I sat next to her, she smiled.
She then "Mark me, I don't care what Josh and Hallie think....I..Love...You", I want to do it.

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