The End of the World

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 I raise my hand into the chilling wind, letting it wrap around my fingers. It's as if I can sense his presence already. He's near.

I can hardly remember what caused this, along with everyone else. Strange things beyond belief, things no one can explain, have been happening lately. It was as if one day, the seams that bound this world together began ripping apart, and some of us have fallen apart with it.

Those of us who haven't been directly affected are living like we're in the middle of an apocalypse. We've been cut off from all countries who aren't close to our own borders. No one lives alone anymore in fear something will happen to us. The strongest ones have crumbled inside, myself included. Even the most peaceful of us carry around weapons. We try our absolute hardest to protect the loved ones we have reaming.

Germany's gone to the lengths of not letting Italy out of the house past sundown, and, as strange as it sounds, ordering him to stay in his room at night. I can't blame him, considering most of these things happen at night.

This strange tragedy has caused some to disappear altogether, like my best friend. Others have simply faded away somehow, as if the person they were before never even existed... some like the one I'm meeting today.

I have short and sleek dark brown hair with a Mariazell curl, glasses, a tiny beauty mark placed under the corner of my lip, a male physique, a nice royal blue coat that goes down to my knees, and the rest of the usual outfit. There's a figure with his hands tied behind him and a sheet over his head kneeling down beside me. I fight back the urge to crack a smile.

Things should go perfectly.

"Aus- Austria!?" A softer, less harsh voice than I expect, answers. Instead of his usual blue military uniform, he wears a white tunic with a long, hooded cape that conceals his features. It's much more majestic and resembles the get-up from his tectonic knight days. He seems so different like this, but it's still unmistakably him. "How- how are you here, and how did you...!?"

"How did I what?" I answer in a low voice. "Do you- by chance- mean... escape?" I glare at him as I throw the blue coat off and along with the wig, letting my soft brown hair fall down to my waist.


"It was a pretty good disguise, don't you think?" I laugh. "Good enough to fool you!" I pull out a gun and fix the aim it at his chest. "The look on your face said it all, Prussia. I know you have him. So... where is he?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm not keeping him," he answers in a guiltless voice. I've yet to see him smirk, but I guess it would be kind of hard to when your death seems to be a finger twitch away. "It's true that I acted as his rival, but you know I would never go to the lengths of doing something like that to him."

"Don't play games with me, Prussia! I know you're behind his disappearance. Denying it won't do a thing. I know how to piece facts together!" I stop as I notice how much my voice is beginning to rise. I take a breath and let it fall back down to a dark, menacing tone. "I'm going to give you one last chance before things get very bad. Where. Is. Austria."

"I swear, I had nothing to do with his disappearance!" He pleads. Prussia... pleading. I never thought I'd see the day.

"So you say?" A cold, mysterious look clouds my eyes. "Would you stand on that word that if someone else's life was on the line, someone you love? Namely... your brother's?"

I jerk the sheet off of the figure to reveal Germany. His head snaps up in shock when he sees Prussia. Prussia's jaw drops as I rest the end of the gun on his brother's head. The sound of it cocking creates a deathly echo in the silence that falls over them.

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