Dean Thomas

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I had been at Hogwarts just a matter of weeks and things were going great with Harry. Instead of blushing every time I encountered him now we talked to and joke like friends, just being comfortable in each others company. We were friends and although I don't think it will amount to anything more, I was happy. A girl can dream though.

Dean Thomas. Best friend of my dork of a brother Ronald Weasley and Mr Harry Potter. When I actually accepted his proposal - not a wedding, obviously, but for me to be his girlfriend - it went by it in a bit of a blur. In fact I don't even remember the way he asked me, whether it was the simple "will you be my girlfriend" or a bold "you, me, girlfriend, boyfriend?" Although I am not as naive to think that it would be the latter, I found that highly doubtful!

It was just after I got back from the fight for my life at The Department of Mysteries. The story began when Harry saw into Voldemorts mind and witnessed the torturing of his only true family member - his godfather. I really saw the heartbreak in Harrys eyes, which he tried to hide from us, but with his mother and fathers lives gone before he could recite the numbers to 10, Harry thought he was alone in the world. That was until he met his godfather, Sirius Black, longtime friend of James Potter and the person that Harry had a true family bond with. However, what Harry didn't realise and probably still doesn't - he has never been alone. All these year my very own Weasley clan and all the rest of the Order have stood by Harry and will continue to do so until he very end.

After a battle with Voldemorts death eaters, with fighting, brawling and hiding, we were safe. To be honest, during this brutal battle instead of being on the front line giving the death eaters a piece of my mind, I was limping around like a wounded deer with a broken ancle that was giving me a lot of pain. I, however, wouldn't give the Death Eaters the satisfaction of showing them how they hurt me, both physically and mentally. Which, unfortunately was quite a lot due to the evidence of an impending final battle. Harry or Voldemort? That was the question. I of course would be betting on Harry. He can do it, I know it.

The Hospital Wing, was my home for a few days after that which was where Dean found me. I said Yes to his request, though I'm not sure why, everyone knows where my heart lie.

"So, come on Ginny! Tell us!" Alex begged, as Emily and I each went to our respective beds in the Gryffindor Girls dorm, before both of them reached my bed and started to bombard me with a series of questions, regarding my love life. Or lack of, as I hadn't spoken to Dean in days.

The decorations in the dorm were not extravagant or elegant but it was like a second home to me.The walls were papered in a red wallpaper and gold detailing, to match the colour scheme that identified the Gryffindors against the rest. Each of the beds were placed equally around the room, with gaps in between as to give the owner some personal space. Space which Emily usually invaded.
You could tell who owned each bed simply by the way it was presented. Alex, being the most organised of the three, had a neat pristine area, that was carefully decorated in a symmetrical manner with pictures of disney and dance. The area screamed Alex. Emilys area on the other hand was the complete opposite. In looked like a bombshell as the entire bed was covered in a thick layer of cloaks, parchment and quills, amongst other thing, so much so that you couldn't see the bedding underneath, which would have of course been red if it had been visible. Finally my side of the room, was not unorganised and cluttered nor was it neat and immaculate. I would like to say its a happy medium,

"Yes, come on Ginevra! You're dating Dean but you are in love with Harry. Are you trying to create a weird love triangle? YOU ARE CONFUSING ME!" Now Emily was practically screaming. What a great way of telling the whole of Gryffindor House about my private life.
A serious of large bangs prevented me from answering. Saved by the door..... Maybe not. Crashing through the door came a rather dishevelled looking Hermione, her wild bushy hair sticky in every direction and a face like thunder.

"C-Can... you please keep it down?! I am trying to read." This was not a new thing for Hermione as she was an avid bookworm so this didn't suprise me in the slightest. Suddenly an odd looked past over Hermiones face and a peculiar girly giggle came out of her mouth. A sound which was as un-Hermioneish as possible. My shocked face was replicated on my Friends around me because nobody could expect that from Hermione.
"But..... If you want my opinion. Ginny is doing the right thing. She can be friends with Harry and still date other guys so that she forgets about him a little. Maybe, then Harry will notice you even more."

Emily and I both gasped but for different reasons.
"Perfect! Awww, the Hinny feels!"
"No, thats awful! I can't just use Dean like that. "

You could probably tell which was my response however I needed time to mull things over and headed to the library to see of the silence would help clear the millions of thougts buzzing around my head. When I reached the library, there he was.

I guess I had made my decision all on my own.

A/N: So here is another chapter. I'm sorry if there is lots of mistakes because I wrote this on my tablet but I really wanted to get an update up for you!

Enjoy and dont forget to vote and comment.

All rights to JK, Rowling - the Queen who created this universe.

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