Before he could do anything about it, the towel was removed and used to quickly absorb the water from Gamzee's wet black hair. Karkat couldn't even comprehend what had just happened. His mind was completely and utterly blown. He knew at that moment that he was going to have problems (even more than he did now) for the rest of his natural life. But there was no time to feel bad for himself now. He had to hide before Gamzee noticed that Karkat had been there to see what could never be unseen. Unfortunately, he didn't have the time to do that.
"KaRkAt, WhAt ArE yOu DoInG iN hErE bRoThEr?" He decided that he'd go back to feeling sorry for himself now.
"LISTEN, IT'S NOT AT ALL WHAT YOU THINK," Karkat spoke rather clumsily, occasionally tripping over his words while trying to avert his eyes from Gamzee's body. "THE SUN WAS SHINING IN MY EYES OUT THERE, AND I WAS STILL TIRED SO I CAME IN HERE. I DIDN'T KNOW YOU WERE IN THE SHOWER." Now instead of the sun shining in his eyes he had male nudity! Much fucking better! Gamzee looked thoughtful for a moment and then nodded, wrapping the towel back around his waist and walking over to where his kept his clothes. He dug around until he found boxers, and the usual t-shirt and his favorite pants. Finally, he shrugged and turned to Karkat.
"ShIt HaPpEnS?" He pulled on the t-shirt, careful not to get his large pointed horns stuck in the fabric. "It'S nOt LiKe YoU cAmE iN hErE pUrPoSeLy TrYiNg To SeE mE nAkEd." Down went the towel and on went the boxers, soon followed by the spotted pants. "iF yOu WaNtEd ThAt, YoU cOuLd JuSt AsK." He said, and a small smirk spread across his lips. Without another word, he winked and walked out of the bedroom, leaving Karkat standing there, shocked as all hell. Did he really just!? Why would he?! When did he?! Multiple unanswered questions shot through Karkat's mind, crushing all hopes of him not having to wipe his memory. After 6 sweeps of knowing Gamzee, was he really just now questioning how well he knew him? Karkat rubbed his temples and left the room. Not so long ago himself and Gamzee had become Moirails. Moirails were able to tell each other anything right? Maybe Gamzee was holding out on him! Maybe Gamzee had another best friend. Normally, Karkat wouldn't have given a flying fuck, but standing there thinking about it, he actually felt a bit upset. Gamzee was *his* Moirail. That wasn't supposed to happen between three people, right?
"HE'S MY MOIRAIL..." Karkat muttered under his breath as he stepped out into the kitchen, where he once again found Gamzee, who at the moment was enjoying a bottle of Faygo.
"Kk, ThIs StUfF iS mOtHeRfUcKiNg GrEat, hOnK." :o) He gulped down more, until it was gone, and threw the bottle aside. Karkat watched him, feeling more irritated now then upset. If Gamzee did have another best friend, they weren't possibly a better one than him. It wasn't possible. The other trolls would be lame best friends compared to him. And he'd prove it to Gamzee! That way he'd totally change his mind and take him back as his true best friend. Karkat nodded, feeling quite self righteous, and he found that Gamzee had begun to stare at him curiously.
"Is SoMeThInG wRoNg MoThErFuCkEr?" Karkat blinked and shook his head no, then taking a seat at the kitchen table. To his surprise, Gamzee walked up behind him and placed a hand on his head, ruffling his hair gently. When he did so, one side of Gamzee's hand rubbed against one of his horns, and he felt his face grow warm as his blood rose to his cheeks.
GamKar (Part 3.)
ФанфикKarkat struggles against his own mind, not sure if his jug halo friend is holding out on him. (I do not own these characters. They belong to Andrew Hussie, creator of Homestuck.)