On my way home

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Sound of horse were heard and suddenly knocking at the door
It was quite late for a visit and everyone had retired..

After what seemed like twenty minutes the door opened the butler answering with a weary look on his face: "Yes?"

- Can I please have a word with Miss Laure ?
- Young man you must be out of your wit ..Lady Laure is retired and..
-It is a matter of emergency, please wake her .
The authority of wish it was demand gave the Butler a fright , he lead the visitor to a room.

Lily having heard the conversation rush in Lady Laure's room :

- " Miss ? Miss! Someone is here for you in the study, Miss !!?! "

- "Lily..but this is no time for guest, the Lady annoyed, I am in the middle of detangling my hair.

The reality is Miss Laure was a real beauty. She shine like jewel, having her allure of pure royalty.

- " Miss I think it's ..

I finally listen to Lily and got down the stair. God forbid father would awake.
As I slowly open the door, I enter and stood straight,fierce..yet with an hidden vulnerability..

In front of me was the king and Luke..dear God I though

I was startle by the ordeal of their presence I was lost of words..and finally bow and whisper my king

The king observe me and smile turn to his cousin

-" She is beautiful ",he nodded, "I understand.."

Turning back at me he said
-"Sit my child"
The door opened rather quickly father himself came in saluting the king..
-"Duke! What a pleasure to see you. I have heard of your service to the crown. This boy.." looking at Luke, "is a fine man!"

-"My king"bowing his head. I presume you have meet my daughter.. Excuse her..
-"Please Duke", said Luke, "it's late. It is our faulty presumption after all it is late."

After an award silence, father smile and sat, at the same time the butler came with some tea and biscuit.

"What of the honor of your presence..,said father

-"I wanted to present the King my bride..if she will have me still. But really also make her realize how unfortunately right my father was. I could never pressure any woman to be by my side considering that my duty as future king will start in one year from now..and although it is never talked royals are bound by their status."

All the while Luke was looking at me. My heart started to beat faster ..this is real. But I have yet to hear the words ...

" Not that submission is expected but an ideal queen is somewhat hard to describe. But my ideal queen is you. I love you Laure..I always did, with a smile that made me melt .. Would you build a home with me..be my queen, my best adviser, my loyal friend..

Frankly without realizing it..tears were rolling down my cheek.
And then silence..every men waited..

I got up slowly my hair were down, only the light of the fire ..warm and the sound of cracking woods. My robe satin pale rose..my perfume lingering ..

I came close to Luke bend down and kiss him. Nothing fancy..I sealed him with my kiss.

"I love you Luke. Yes I will"

Showing my wool ring..

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