August Nights

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Hey guys ! This is my first REAL story ;) as in .. I'm actually going to try && finish it .. Ermmm , so tell me if its good or not .

Chapter 1 :

I woke up to the sound of my ringtone . "Oh I swear its true I can feel the love can you feel it too I can feel it-"

I roll over on the bed ignoring it at first , it was no use it only ringed a second time . "Hello ?" I answered in a tired voice . It was obvious I had just woke up .

"Hey girl hey !" A familiar voice was on the other line . I looked down at the caller ID to come across the name Ricky Dillon . My childhood best friend . The boy I've know since I was six . The one who I went everywhere with .

"Hey ! Oh my gosh Ricky ! It's been so long . How have you been ? Are you on your way ? I'm so excited to see you !" I rambled on for what seems like forever .

"Yes , of course I'm on my way ! Actually , I'm coming from the airport now . And .. I brought a couple of friends ." He said nervously .

That wasn't the plan . Ricky and I were suppose to have best friend time alone , in Georgia . He would stay at my house for a few months , and then leave back for Texas . "How many ? And who ?" I didn't sound angry , I wasn't . I was just shocked .

"Well , there is 6 of us all together Sam , Connor , Jc , Ricardo , Trevor , and I . I figured , that you would be okay with it . And they were really excited to meet you . I'm sorry it's last notice , but .. Surprise ?" He let out a nervous chuckle .

"Yeah I guess that's fine ." I gave in . We have a rather large house . In a total of 5 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms , kitchen , living rooms , one upstairs , one down stairs , and the dining room . After my father died two years ago we bought this house . It has a Olympic swimming pool in the back yard , and a outlook of the lake .

"Okay we will be there in about 30 minutes . See you later Madi !" I could tell he was smiling . Ricky has this magic power , he can convince anyone to do anything . And get away with it .

Oh gosh . I slap my hand onto my face and pull down . I hop out of bed and look in the mirror , god I wish I didn't .

My brown curly hair was in knots , and I had makeup all down my face . I fell asleep last night reading the outsiders and got so into it I didn't wanna stop . "Ooohhh , I only have 30 minutes I better start getting ready ." I said to myself . I tend to do that a lot .

I had cleaned the whole house yesterday so it was spotless other than my room of course .


I had gotten all dolled up as fast as I could . I tried not to take to long , I was putting on my mascara as soon as I heard a knock on the door .

"Anyone home ?" I heard him call .

"RICKY !!" I run to the door almost falling down the stairs , and hug him immediately . "I missed you so much ."

"I missed you too babe !" Ricky called making his way toward my room to put his stuff down . He hasn't even introduced me to his friends yet .

They were all very attractive boys , and I mean VERY attractive . But the one on the end seemed to catch my attention the most .

He had dark brown hair that seemed to look wind blown to the side , and light brown eyes . A tribal sweater with dark skinny jeans an vans . His face was perfect , his lips were full and his cheeks were cute , he looked about 5'5 and was wearing a black SnapBack . Which is one of my weaknesses .

It was really awkward for a couple of seconds until Ricky came back down . "Why is everyone so quiet ?" He questioned .

Hmmm , I wonder why ? Maybe because I don't know any of these gorgeous boys standing in my living room . And I don't want to embarrass myself . I'm really good at that .

"Well guys this right here is the amazing Madison Jones ." Ricky laughed at his own voice . " From left to right we have Sam Potterff , Connor Franta , Ricardo Ordieres , Trevor Moran , and Jc Caylen . And I am Ricky Dillon . The amazing one ." He winked .

So that's his name .. Jc . That's cute , I wonder what it stands for . "It's really nice to meet you guys ." I held out my hand for a handshake , but instead I got hugged by 6 different guys all at once .

"Who shakes hands anymore ?" Trevor laughed . He had short brown hair , and looked about 16 , he had a baby face and wore a pair of sweatpants and a regular shirt . He was adorable .

Sam on the other hand had beautiful dark brown orbs that looked like he could see right through me . He had his dark hair gelled up in a quaff . His tight white shirt showed off his six pack and he wore dark skinny jeans with a black beanie .

All the boys seemed to be really close . I don't see why Ricky never told me about them before . They all were very attractive and seemed nice .

"So where are you all from ?" I asked , still trying to break the ice . Slowly , but surly it was starting to crack .

"I'm from California ." Sam added in .

"I am too !" Shouted Trevor with a smile on his face .

"You already know !" Ricky yelled at the top of his lungs .

"Good God Ricky ! We have neighbors ." I laughed .

"Yeah , literally like 7 acres away ."

"I'm from San Antonio , Texas ." Jc called out . It was the first time I heard him say anything all evening .

"I am too !" Shouted someone from the other couch . I think his name was Ricardo . He had jet black hair , and a beautiful bone structure . His eyes were glossed with beauty . He was just stunning .

"La Crescent, Minnesota ." Connor put out . Connor had dirty blonde hair , and bright green eyes . His smile was gorgeous , not to mention so was his chin structure . He was very broad , and muscular .


I walked down the hall to my room , while passing the bathroom I heard someone crying . "I don't know why you're doing this ? We are fine ! Whatever's wrong we can fix it , please babe ." The voice pleaded for forgiveness . By the sound of his voice I don't think they quite got it .

Everyone was downstairs Ricky, Connor, Ricardo, Trevor, Sam .. That means it has to be Jc . I felt terrible for listening , but I couldn't help myself . I put my ear up to the door . He wasn't on the phone anymore , just crying .

I hesitated at first , but then went for it . Knock knock . "Are you okay ?"

The boy on the inside paused for a few seconds . "Yes , I'm fine ." I heard the sadness he tried to cover up in his voice .

"I'm coming in okay ?" I quickly said .

"No , don-" he tried to stop me , but I was already in the bathroom floor sitting down with him .

"Wanna talk about it ?" I asked . I barley knew the guy , but he seemed so sweet , why would someone make him cry like that ?

"Not really ." He said blankly .

"I'm sorry , I barley know you and I'm asking you to let me help you . For goodness sake you probably don't even know my name . I just met you like eight hou-" I stopped talking immediately when his hand touched mine . "I-I'm sorry . I tend to blabber on when I'm nervous ."

"I can tell ." He let out a soft smile , his brown eyes were red , and he had trails down his face where the tears had rolled down his cheeks .

"Is it a girl ?" I asked out of nowhere , giving him a concerned look .

"You got it right on the nose ," He chuckled . "But not just any girl . She's my- was my girl ." His lip quivered as he talked , it looked like he was about to burst .

I tilted my head down and saw the tears dripping into his phone . I grabbed his hand . "Everything is going to get better , I promise ."

"That's what they all say ." He had completely broke down onto me . His head on my chest crying , I could feel my shirt getting soaked by his tears .

"Shhh , shhh . This time it will ." I rubbed the back off his head and told him to take deep breaths . It always worked for me .


Tell me how it is ! I should be posting a new chapter ever Tuesday . How does that sound ? Maybe even Tuesdays and Fridays .

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