He stands up again and sighs and shakes his head "Even if you tell the truth I can't know for sure. " with that he made his way up the stairs again. You stood up the handcuffs hurted your hands, so you got rid of them. The handcuffs weren't that hard to break with pure strength. You looked around and then found the stairs, you didn't walk up though. You went back to where you sat before and pretended to still have your handcuffs on.
After what felt like hours Vincent came down the stairs. He had a needle and some string with him "You know I can't trust you because you could 'tell' other people so I thought why not tailor your lips together~" he smirked insanely and kneeled down to you. You took that moment to punch him in his face hard enough to make him pass out. You ran up the stairs. The door he came in through was still open. You found yourself in what seemed like a living room again, it was all purple. You looked for the exit and found it but before you could run to it Vincent grabbed you by your neck from behind "Did you think you could escape that easily? " You didn't move. He didn't either until you felt something cold in your stomach and then a sharp pain you looked down to see a knife lurking out of your stomach. Soon after that you passed out.
((And then you die The End. No jk sorry. Anyways sorry I'm so bad at thinking of stuff sorry))