keep it quiet *mavi*

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the title doesn't even make sense but I was thinking about Aha! when I wrote it, so. and I'm pretty sure this is the worst written thing I've ever done, so you've been warned.

The parties became an annual thing by the  middle of tour. The night before a new show in a new place, all of us go to the hotel or the bus and play music and dance and drink. Never a great idea, when you rely on singing as much as we do, but we have fun.

Tonight was party night. Esther texted Scott earlier and told him that we were all going to a small, private room in the hotel we were staying at.

"Sounds fancy," he'd said after he read the message to me.

"Sounds like a terrible idea," I replied, but we were both grinning. We love these parties almost as much as the tour.

All that was two hours ago. The party is in full swing, and I can see some phones recording me as I dance - probably Kirstie or Scott - and I know this tour is going to be good.

When I wake up, I'm in a hotel room and I expected that last night. I figure Scott is still in the shower, I can hear the water running, so I check my phone. A few texts from Kirstie. Some notifications from Twitter. Typical. Surprisingly, there are a couple missed calls from Scott. The most recent one was ten minutes ago. Why would he call me if-?

"Oh. You're awake."

I look up. The water for the shower is no longer running, the room is different from mine and Scott's, and Avi is watching me. In a towel. His hair is soaked and dripping.

"I am," I say, staring at his chest. "Any reason why I'm here instead of my room?"

Avi turns away, pulling some clothes out of his bag and dropping his towel. At that point I close my eyes.

"There is," he says. "You can open your eyes."

He has jeans on now; still shirtless.

"You got a little drunk last night," Avi says, towel drying his hair. "I couldn't find Scott and you were sort of asking to come with me anyway, so I brought you back to my room."

Well, that doesn't sound humiliating at all. Wait, I was asking to go with Avi?

"What are you talking about?"

"I got it on camera actually."

This is just getting better and better. I groan, falling back onto the bed and wishing I didn't wake up to fresh-out-of-the-shower Avi and humiliation. I'd rather wake up to Scott in my bed, hogging all the blankets and space.

Avi climbs onto the bed next to me, now with a shirt, thank god, and shoves his phone in my face. The screen for his most recent video is already there and way too bright. Do I really dare to click on this? I don't want to see this.

Avi rolls his eyes, reaching around me and pressing play. Immediately, loud music starts and it's a dark, blurry image of a figure jumping around. Me, probably. Dammit, Avi. Soon it focuses, and I look a mess. My hair is all over my face, my shirt is half unbuttoned, the whole thing is terrible.

The video cuts then to me talking to someone. I'm leaning on a girl from the crew but I don't remember her name.

"Did you edit this?" I ask Avi. Really?


Okay. I can't even tell what I'm saying in this video. It just sounds like the same thing over and over again, but the people around me keep laughing. I can hear Avi in the background asking if anyone knows where Scott is.

The video cuts again to the ugly rug of the hotel's hallways and Avi's shoes. There's a lot less noise, and the camera swings around to show my legs next to him, and my hand in his.

"This is the only way I got you to actually walk with me," on-screen Avi says, the camera trained on our hands.

"What are you doing?" I ask. That's awful.

"I'm filming this for when you wake up. I didn't know you were such a lightweight, Mitchy."

I look over at Avi next to me. He hasn't called me 'Mitchy' in ages. He doesn't look at me, so I go back to the video.

"Excuse me, sir. I am not a lightweight."

Avi laughs in the video, and it cuts again. This time we're in the hotel room and it's dark. Avi flips on a light and I'm sitting in the middle of the bed.

"Are you going to sleep with me?" I ask, probably trying to be flirty but instead I look confused.

Avi laughs next to me. I hate him.

"Where else would I sleep?"

The video cuts off again, and it's thankfully over.

"Did you actually sleep in the same bed as me?"

Avi stands up, pulling his phone out of my hands and kissing the top of my head.

"Yeah, I did. And you kick in your sleep."
my Latin teacher said "Mavi" in class today and I almost fell out of my chair, I need to be stopped.

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