Lovey Dovey and Stuff

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I woke up in Levi's bed. I rolled over expecting him to be there, all I felt was his cold absence. I opened my eyes in panic. "Levi?!" I called. no answer. I got up not minding that I was naked and looked around the entire house. no levi. just a letter.


If you are reading this, you probably flipped out because I wasn't next to you in bed. no worries, I'm just out going to the store, there is breakfast for you in the microwave.



I sighed in relief. I went upstairs and put on my boxers and sat at the table to eat my breakfast. it was the typical eggs, bacon and hash browns, but something about it made it the best in the world. a half an hour later, levi came back.

"Morning Sexy." Levi said and I blushed.

"Morning handsome." I said and moved to help him put groceries away. I went to go take a shower and then got dressed and Levi was sitting on the couch. He held his arms out for me. I sat on his lap and cuddled to him. He held me to him. a half an hour later there was a knock on the front door.

"Come in!" Levi called. I still hasn't moved. Petra walked in and looked me over. Levi held me tighter to him.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't realize you had company... I can go-"

"No you can stay, is there something you needed?"

"Yeah I wanted to discuss a few things with you." she said. Levi nodded. They started discussing stuff with work and everything while I stayed cuddled to Levi. He started playing with my hair mid conversation and my attention went to his fingers going through my hair. I kept cuddled to him. He kissed the top of my head and then when their discussion was over Petra left. I looked up to Levi who was already looking down to me. I kissed him softly before pulling away.

"I love you." Levi whispered.

"I love you too." I said and cuddled to him again. Levi smiled and kissed the top of my head.

"You should just come home with me every night..." He said and kissed my neck softly. I tilted my neck giving him more room.

"I should?"

"Mhm.." he said against my neck, then moving to leave butterfly kisses up my neck.

"Levi that tickles..." I said moving so he couldn't do it anymore. He poked my side and I laughed and he continued tickling me. "L-levi s-stop!" I said laughing a lot. he moved to be on top of me and continued. He grabbed my wrists and pushed them down but I pulled him down with my arms. Our lips an inch away. His eyes went straight to my eyes, then to my lips, then my eyes. I met his gaze and his lips crashed against mine.


Sorry guys it took my awhile to finish this chapter other wise I would have had it out earlier.

Idea credit to @j

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