875.6 miles apart

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April,6,2013. 6:33 P.M. I got together with the love of my life, Ricky. We met on a social site called Imvu, I went into this room called The Forest Of Death, and he was there. We barley talked at all at the time. But after a couple of days me and him talked so much an had so much In common, we became a couple. He added me on Skype that night and we skyped about three or four days after getting together. I was very very nervous about him seeing what I look like, so I took about three hours getting ready for him. Making sure I looked as good as possible, still looking as good as I could I was still scared he would think I'm ugly and break up with me.

When we finally got on the Skype call I kind of hid my face, and when I uncovered my face. He told me I was beautiful, that there was nothing wrong with me. That made me feel really good, it made me smile. I've told Ricky about all of my problems, this is the first time I have opened up to anybody since my ex. I told my ex about my cutting problem and he broke up with me like he didn't really even care, nobody has ever card as much as Ricky. And I'm glad, all the demons and struggles has made me who I am today, now I'm not saying I don't have them. Trust me I do..

The night when me and Ricky met was the best night of my life, people out there say I'm to young to love. But every human no mater Race, sex, religion, sexual preference, or  social status. You have a right to love, with equal justice and dignity. Don't ever tell a child they are to young to love, love is kind and a safe place for those who don't have one. What kind of world would we be if we didn't allow young love. And Yes I know in other country's boys cant talk or write to girls, I'm just trying to get a point across.

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