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       "Are you really being that childish, Harry?" You yell at your boyfriend, Harry as you send the front door of your shared flat flying open, as you storm into the flat, slamming the door in Harry's face.
You throw your bag across the table and turn around when you see Harry storm through the door, rage clear on his face. "Did you just slam the door on me [Y/N]?!?!" He rages, his angry eyes scanning yours.
"What do you think?" You snap sarcastically before spinning on your heel and walking into the kitchen.
"Don't fucking give me that tone!" Harry yells as he grabs your wrist, spinning you back around to face him. He puts his big hands on your shoulders so you can't move. You roll your eyes and meet his gaze, his eyes are filled with rage, and maybe even a hint of lust?
"Well what?" you snap. "Do you expect me to be all happy? I'm fucking pissed!" You yell back at him.
"Why are you the one who's pissed [Y/N]??" He demands.
"I could ask you the same question, Harry!" You retort, attempting-and failing- to wriggle out of his firm grip on your shoulders. "You have no right to be mad at me!" You yell at him.
"What am I supposed to do?" He yells at you, his eyes growing more with rage by the second. "Just stand by calmly while my girl flirts with some random douche!?!" He fumes.
"Harry!" You yell. "Some scumbag said I was hot and suddenly I'm the one who's flirting? Maybe you should've said something to the guy instead of just standing around like a jealous third grader!" You yell back at him, still trying to get out of his strong grip. "Idiotic twit..." You mumble, somewhat under your breath.
Suddenly Harry pushes you back, slamming you hard into the wall behind you. "What was that?" Harry demands, stepping closer to you so there's less than an inch of a gap between you. You look up at Harry, who towers over you by quite a bit, feeling suddenly scared... but still turned on by this. "Oh you're going to fucking pay for that one, [Y/N]." Harry growls in your ear, sending a shiver down your spine as he pushes himself against you, pressing you tight in between himself and the wall. His hands drop from your shoulders and to your waist, gripping it so tightly you think there might be bruises tomorrow. Suddenly he crashes his lips to yours, moaning as he does and forcefully crams his tongue into your mouth, fighting your own for dominance- a battle in which he is quick to win. His hands start to wander from your waist and his spread palms trace your lower stomach, under your shirt, near your navel. You feel your breathing speed up as Harry's hands wander further up your shirt and to your breasts, as he messages them through your bra.
You let out a moan and quickly feel regret. You're supposed to mad at him! You tell yourself, but there's still no denying how much this is turning you on, but I mean who wouldn't love this side of Harry? The angry, rough, sexy, Harry Styles.
"You little slut..." Harry hisses, his voice still hot and sexy. "You're enjoying this..." He whispers seductively in your ear, which is enough to make you finally give in and let this happen. What's the point of putting up a fight when Harry is so amazing in bed when he's this mad?
"Mhmm Harry..." You whisper, trying your best to be sexy. Harry leans up against your body, pressing you once again between him and the wall.
"Jump." He instructs, and you obey jumping up and rapping your legs around Harry's middle, just above his crotch. Harry carries you down the hall, throwing your bedroom door open and throwing you onto the bed, he instantly climbs on top of you and hovers over you his glowering eyes soaking into yours, "You're mine [Y/N]." He growls in your ear, sending shivers of excitement and fear through you, "I'm going to fuck you so hard, the only name you'll remember is mine..." He whispers as he grazes his teeth across your cheek and to your lips, he bites down on your lips quickly before moving on. He looks down at your body, lying helpless beneath him, and smirks. He grabs at your shirt, literally tearing it off your body, not caring if it was expensive or not.
"Harry..." You breath feeling a wave of nervous excitement wash over you.
"What?!" He snaps, taking you by surprise, with his rough tone.
"No-nothing" You stammer quickly and look into his hungry eyes as you feel him slip his fingers into your belt loop, sliding your pants off and tossing them to the floor along with your now ripped shirt. Harry pulls his own shirt off and you awe at his toned muscles.
Harry sees you and smirks cockily. "Like what you see?" He asks, and you nod.
Suddenly, and without warning you feel Harry shove two fingers inside of you, his fingers instantly finding your g-spot, curling around your clit and rubbing it until you find yourself reaching your peak, just then Harry stops, pulling his fingers out of you, you look at him, slightly confused. "Why did you stop?" you whine between heavy breaths.
"To show you I'm in charge." He says, his voice still somewhat a growl. He unbuckles his belt and slides his jeans off, followed by his boxers, tossing them to the floor along with the rest of our clothes.
You feel the familiar need growing in your stomach, the feeling of need for Harry. "Harry...please." You beg.
"Please what?"
"Please fuck me!" You beg, making Harry smirk, as he looks down at your body with hungry eyes. Then suddenly you feel Harry's long, thick dick ram into you without warning, you scream out both with pain and pleasure as you wrap your arms around him, digging your nails into Harry's back as he pounds into you, going faster and harder.
"Yeah [Y/N]!" Harry moans. "You're so fucking tight!" Just then Harry takes your hands, crossing your wrists together and pinning them with one hand above your head.
With Harry holding your hands above your head he had all the power, and you knew that's exactly what he wants... not like you were complaining either!
As Harry keeps pounding into you, you feel yourself start to reach your climax all over again as the thrill of Harry dominating you dances through your stomach. "Ha-Harry....I'm gonna come!" You moan.
"Not yet you're not." Harry says. "[Y/N], if you fucking come before I do, you'll fucking regret it!" Harry threatens between hot, heavy breaths.
As Harry keeps pounding into you, you scream and moan in pleasure. "Harry! Oh, fuck...yess...! Harry...right there! Don't stop!!" You yell as you feel yourself almost over the edge.
"Okay, baby, now." Harry says, as his thrusts become sloppy, you feel your insides release as you come, at the same time as Harry releases into you, moaning with pleasure as he does. Harry lays down beside you, both of you sweaty, panting and messy-haired. "[Y/N]?" Harry whispers, in a gentle tone, taking you by surprise at first.
"Yeah, Hazz?" You ask.
"I'm sorry about earlier... it's just when I see other guys saying things like that... I just get so mad." He says, as his eyes, which are now back to their normal softness, pour into mine. "You're my Princess, don't ever forget that, [Y/N]." He says, as he grabs your waist, gently pulling you closer to him as you cuddle under the covers,
"I know, Harry, but don't be sorry... when you're mad, you're fucking amazing in bed." You laugh with a wink.
Harry smiles cockily and hugs you slightly. "I know baby... but sorry I was mad, anyways." He says, "I love you, [Y/N]."
"I know, Harry... I love you too." You say, resting your head on his bare chest, and slowly falling asleep.

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