The Devil

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"Oh my god! That's such a relief Derek! As relieved as I am -hmmmm- I bet your family is ecstatic!" I scream and hug Derek in happiness.

He laughs and hugs me back then we hear a low growl and we turn together to see Zeke standing there scowling.

"Mind if I sit here?"

Me and Derek pull away from each other and I nod. He sits down in the seat next to me and seems to calm down. My hand twitches and I cluck. Habitually I reach over and grab a grape off Derek's plate and he doesn't say a word about it because he's used to it.
"Where's you're lunch?" Zeke asks grabbing the pizza on his tray and taking a huge bite.

My shoulder lifts and I groan. "Not hungry"

Derek rolls his eyes "That's what you always say! At least come up with a different line!"

My leg bangs against the table and my finger tics. "Shut up Derek"

Derek smirks and gives me the sign for 'Make me bitch'

I roll my eyes back at him "Oh I will. You just wait." I give him my evil smirk and he stuffs his mouth with salad pointedly.

I hear a weird rumble and turn to Zeke. "You okay?"

"Yeah. So about lunch?" he asks letting out a deep calming breath.

"I don't have any money." I say. My shoulder jerks And I moan.

"Why not? You're parents don't give you money?" he asks with a frown.

I just shake my head and my hand clenches a few times.

His frown gets deeper and he slides over his salad and strawberries to me.
I immediately shake my head and push it back.
"No! No it's okay - mmmm- I'm used to it. You eat it." his frown just gets fiercer and he pushes it back to me and puts a fork in my hand.

"I won't take no for an answer. Eat it."

I sigh and take a bite of the salad.

"So what were you so relieved about?" he asks taking another bite of his pizza.

My head twitches and I groan. I look to Derek to see if it's okay to tell him and he just shrugs.
"My sister was tested a few months ago and the doctors thought she might have leukemia. They tested her again to double check and turns out she's good." Derek says smiling at the end.
I smile at Zeke and ignore my twitching "His sister is awsome! She's like thirty something but always hangs with us. I swear -mmmm- she knows more about what's in then most of the girls in this school." my hand jerks and my shoulder tics "but she's also very sweet and just plain lovable. Anytime you need advice just go to her."

Zeke smiles at me and quickly glances to Derek. "She seems like a great woman."

Derek smiles to Zeke for the first time "She is. More than most people know."

Me and Derek make eye contact remembering what happened a few years ago.

"Yo Twitch! How has your day been going? Terrible I hope." the devil says and slaps my shoulder roughly.

My head tics my arm jerks and I moan.
"What do you want Colby?" I ask.

"Just checking on my favorite little man!" He yanks off my beanie and I automatically gasp and reach for it.
"No!" I yell.

"Leave him alone asshole!" Derek yells standing by my side.

My twitches and groans are getting worse and I'm panicking without my beanie.

I reach for it desperate to get it back. "Please, please!" I feel tears starting to form in my eyes and I'm having trouble breathing.

Next thing I know Colby is slammed against the lunch table and Zeke slams the beanie to Derek who quickly hands it to me and I quickly put it on and try to calm down with a little help from Derek and watch what Zeke will do.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2015 ⏰

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