The hospital

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I get home and I'm alone because, Maddie is out with Harry and the guys. Perfect time to say goodbye. I call her phone and it goes to voicemail. Perfect! "Hey sis! I just wanted to say bye! This is the last you will ever here of my voice! Have fun with my bullies tonight and live a long happy life without me.' Now i start choking up 'I can't take the bullying anymore! Bye! I'm leaving this earth tonight. Tell Zayn I said bye!" I yell the last part and hang up. Now tears are pouring down my face. I grab a pill bottle and put 4 tablets in my hand. "Goodbye world! Mommy i'm coming home!" I say and put the pills in my mouth and lie down on the couch with the bottle in my hand. Bye cruel cruel world!


Me and the guys were watching a movie at the theater and when we left I got a voicemail from my sis. She called two minutes ago. I listen to the voicemail and drop my phone having it shatter and glass from the screen go everywhere. "Whats wrong?" All the guys ask at different times. "DEMI'S TRYING TO KILL HERSELF!" I yell and sprint in the direction of our house. People move out of my way, probably hearing my scream and I hear the boys behind me. This is ALL their faults. I burst through the front door and see Demi lying there with a pill bottle in her hand. "No!" I scream and run over to her. She still has a pulse! "Shes alive! Call 911!" I yell and make her limp body stand. An ambulance comes and right before I climb in I say "If she dies I will murder y'all!" The boys gulp and were off to the hospital. "Please don't die!" I say and hold her hand the whole way there. I have to wait in the waiting room as they try to save my little sister. I should have stood up for her! Why did I date her bully? What the hell is wrong with me? I'm a horrible sister. "Is she ok?" The guys yell running into the waiting room. "Why do y'all care! Y'all pushed her over the edge!" I yell and they just sit down. The doctor comes in and we all jump up. "Is she ok?" I yell running up to the doctor. "Shes fine but, this was a close call! You may want to watch her for a while. Do you know why she wanted to commit suicide?" The doctor asks. I can feel the guys tense up behind me. What do I say? "She has been................depressed about our parents not being here lately!" I say hesitantly. "Ok well y'all can go see her now!" He says then walks off. I walk in and see her eyes go wide when she sees the guys. "What the fuck are they doing here? And you SISTER! I HATE ALL OF Y'ALL! GET OUT!'' She screams and i'm shocked. What did I do?! Well......but, i'm her sister. "Demi i'm sorry I wasn't there for you but, i'm here now!" I say sitting on her bed. "Too late! GET OUT!" She just screams again and this time we listen.


Tears are pouring down my face like a river now. That was a little harsh but, how dare they come here when they know I hate them. The doctor comes in, they probably told him about my explosion, he pulls up a chair in front of me and sits. "Demi.......I know your angry but, their really sorry! I know those boys bullied you but, you have to forgive and forget!" He says and stands up. Forgive and forget.......ya ok! Just as she opens the door I see them all crying in the hall. Ugh i'm gonna hate myself. "Can you send them all in again please?" I blurt out and I think they heard me because, their heads shot up. "Guys!" The doctor says and walks out. They walk in and Maddie sits on my bed. The boys still keep their distance. Good.......... Suddenly she hugs me tightly and I slowly start to hug her back. She pulls away and asks through tears "why do you hate me so much?" I think she already REALLY knew the answer she just wanted me to say it. I'm crying hard now but, I take a deep breath. "You were never there for me! When I needed someone there...........I didn't even have my own sister!" I said having to break to breath and cry. "I'm sooo sorry! I'll be here from now on! I promise!" She was crying now too and we bear hugged. "This doesn't mean I forgive any of you!" I shout pushing her away gently. They all nod understandingly and I frown. "Besides your all just concerned because, I tried to kill myself." I say as a tear slips out. "No! no! That's not it. I mean we are concerned because of that but... Demi we are so soooo sorry about what we did and I know that an apology doesn't make up for it but, we are REALLY sorry." Harry says and they all nod. It was quiet for a good couple of minutes but then, even if I don't like the answer, I had to ask. "Why." I say more than ask and they all look at me. "Why what?" Louis asks but I think he kinda knew what I meant. "Why were you guys so cruel to me?" I ask gaining enough courage to at least look at them. "..........Well..." Oh this should be good !

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2014 ⏰

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