Chapter 7, The connection

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I sat down in one of the chairs and Zoey just stood near the door. "Where did mommy go?" she turned around and asked.

"She's getting fixed up right now."

"Fixed up?" she questioned as she walked to me.

"Yeah. You know how mommy has a cast on her leg?"


"Well, they're going to make it so she doesn't need it anymore."

Zoey sat down in front of me on the floor. "What if mommy doesn't come back?"

"Zoey, she's going to come back. She loves you. I know she'd never leave you." I assured her.

"But momma said that one day she is gonna leave, but I'll be with her soon."

I knew what she meant. She's right, Chloe isn't going to be around forever, no one is. "I think she was saying that there's going to be a time when she is away but you'll soon be together again." As I said that I couldn't help but tear up. If there is such a place called Heaven then I'll get to see Jess again. I'll get to apologize for such a fool I was and she'll be okay. It'll be to late to go after her murderer, but I'll finally know who did it. Zoey just sat there with a frown and she stared at the ground almost crying. She liked the last time I sang to her, maybe I can cheer her up, and maybe cheer myself up. I thought of a song that would make her smile. Then I sang softy, "Pretty girl, pretty girl, pretty girl you should be smiling." Her head shot up and she started to smile. She came over to me and crawled on my lap.

"You're a good singer." she said looking at me

"Thank you Zoey."

"Mommy sings to me all the time."

"She has a beautiful voice." I said, thinking back at the bar.

"Yeah." Zoey said as she gazed at the door.

"You should get some sleep."

"Okay." She agreed and nestled up to me. She got all situated and quickly fell asleep. I figured since she's sleeping and Chloe is in surgery that I have time to rest. I wrapped my arms around Zoey so I know she won't walk away. I closed my eyes and fell asleep, a tear escaped from my eye.


"So I should be all set in a month?"

"Yeah, you should be completely healed by then. Just come back in a month to get the cast off. Try walking on it with the crutches a little, too."

"Okay, well can you wheel me over to the waiting room?" I asked.

"Absolutely." The doctor smiled.

He wheeled me out to the waiting room. (In a wheel chair because I can't walk yet and because of the drugs still in my system.) He opened the door and all I saw was Peter and Zoey sleeping on a chair. He had his arms wrapped around her and she was smiling. I looked at them for a few minutes, the doctors left to another patient. I didn't want to startle them so I just waited. A few minutes passed and Zoey did a little stretch and opened her eyes.

"Zoey." Peter said softly. She looked up at him and then at me. "MOMMY!" she yelled with relief. At that moment he sprang up and was wide awake. I laughed as Zoey hopped off him and onto my lap. She gave me a big hug and had a huge smile.

"Hey baby girl. Were you good for Peter?"

"Yeah mommy. I was good."

I looked at Peter. "Was she?"

"She was great." he said with a laugh.

"Good girl." I praised her.

We left the hospital, Peter wheeled me outside with Zoey on my lap. We got into the car and then he brought the wheel chair back, then we drove home. When we got there, he parked the car and opened the door for Zoey and I. Zoey ran inside hoping to find Geronimo.

Peter picked me up out of my seat. I couldn't help but look into his shinning brown eyes as they reflected from the moonlight. We both seemed lost in another world. "We should go in." I said, breaking the silence.

"Yeah." he replied, coming back to himself.

When we got inside my apartment Zoey was playing with the dog. We all finally went to bed, well at least Zoey and Peter did. I couldn't help but wonder about some things...

Zoey really likes Peter, and so do I. Lauren was right, I do like Bruno. I never thought someone rich and famous would go through so much trouble for someone they just met, for someone not in their "level". There's something different about him. Why did all of this happen right now? Why did I get my job and he's the one I need to follow around? Why did I meet him at this time? There's to many questions that I can't answer, but one thing I do know is that it's going to be really hard to interview him now since he knows what I look like.

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