8 - Errors

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"Get up," she says to me.

I then get up and I say, "Hello! How are you?"

"I'm doing fine," she smiles.

"That's great. I'm doing fine as well."

"What will we do today?"

"What do you want to do?"

"I don't know. Could I try something new?"

"How about we try diving?"

"What's diving?"

"It uses the pool."

"Oh. Is it swimming?"

"No. It's pretty much jumping into the pool."

"I see," I say, stopping for a few seconds before speaking again, "I'll try that."

"Alright. Follow me."

"Aren't we just going to the pool?"

"We are going to a special pool with a diving board."

"Diving board? Is that what you jump off of?"


We walk to a room that has a pool with what the scientist calls a "diving board."

"Let's get changed first," she says as I follow her into a changing room.

We change and then we go back to the room with the pool and diving board.

"Do the same that I do after I am finished," she says.

She then walks onto something that goes up and down as she walks on it. When she gets to the edge, she jumps. Then I do the same as her.

"That is called diving. What you jumped off of was a diving board," she says.

"That's good to know," I say.

"Would you like to dive some more?"


We then dive plenty more times.

We continue diving until I get tired.

"I'm getting tired of diving," I say.

"Alright. What should we do next?"

"I don't know. What else could I try?"

"We could go to the lounge."

"What is that?"

"A lounge is a place to relax. Let me check something first."


She then takes something out and says, "Is 9624 in testing?"

"Yes, she is in testing," I hear, but I don't know who said it.

"Let's go," the scientist says.

I follow her to a transporter and we both get in.

We then arrive at a "lounge."

"Here is a lounge," she says.

"It looks nice."

"How about you talk to someone here?" suggests the scientist.

I go up to someone in the room.

"Hello," I say.

"Hello," she replies.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"Just another test subject."

"Test subject?"

Test Subject #9536Where stories live. Discover now