netflix and chill

80 7 13

"felipe lests go 2 starbuks" danyil sayed to fil while they were sitting in le lounge

"ok dan lez go"

-super special tube adventure-

"ok im basic so ill have a caramel macchiato" danyil said 2 the barista

(idk wtf do they order at Starbucks im not a stalker)

-5 minutes latarr-

"thx danyol i had fun" fil said, finishing his drank.

"ok let's go home now" danyol said a held fils hand and killed everyone from the cuteness no survivors

-at le flat-

"lets watch Netflix" fil said, sitting on the couch and pulling his feet up

"ok fil" danyol said, turning on Netflix

20 minutes later they had the fun fun bum bum stuff and fil topped ofc

*i have enough dignity left to not write smoot sorry my beans*

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