Part One - ComiCon

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Part One: ComiCon

The clouds spat out rain as I walked up to the entrance of ComiCon. I had obviously arrived just in time, because the feather-light rain transformed into a downpour just seconds after I got inside the building. In the past, I would have never imagined myself going to ComiCon, but a TV show and my absolute favorite Youtuber had brought me there on this gloomy day.

I had always loved horror and suspense movies, and my favorite TV show, Teen Wolf, reminded me of them. I had never seen the old movie, but I loved the creepy aspect of the idea of it and I also happened to love wolves. I found myself intrigued by the show and in love with the actors both as their characters and as themselves. After finding out that the cast went to ComiCon the previous year and that they would be returning, I had the idea to go to see them. But Youtube helped me cross the line and actually get myself to go.

In October of 2012, everyone was talking about a new horror game called Slender, which I had to try myself. Of course I had no knowledge going into it, and not only did it get my heart pumping at a dangerous rate, but it made me realize how bad I was at horror games. I decided watching other people get scared would be more fun, so I looked up Slender game play on the ever famous Youtube. A Youtuber that went by the name of Markiplier was one of the first, most interesting videos I saw, so I clicked on the video and watched. Before I knew it, I had found a favorite Youtuber and new role model with the perfect commentator voice, a loveable sense of humor, and a great personality.

Although he wasn’t all that well known when I first found him, he easily reached more than 100,000 subscribers, including me, on Youtube. I knew that last year I would have had more of a chance to actually meet him, but I didn’t know of him for last year’s ComiCon, so I had to give this one a go. I went in with a great hope that I could see Markiplier, AKA Mark Fischbach, in person.

“Wait up, Ryana! Do you even know where you’re going?” My friends pestered me, annoyed with my speed walking, but I was on a mission. I needed to find what I had come there to find, and I had no patience.

ComiCon really amazed me. I had expected to see some crazy things, but I was, to say the least, blown away at what I was seeing. There were so many costumes of characters that I couldn’t even name, and the place seemed chaotic, with a thousand different things happening all around me. But after a few minutes of dragging my friends around, I set my eyes on my target and lost all track of my surroundings and for a moment, my friends.

“It’s Mark! I found him! He’s actually HERE!” I squealed when I realized my friends were still following me.

“Thank god, we can actually breathe!” they muttered.

“So this is him, huh? Your soul mate?” my best friend joked. I had called Mark that several times. It was too easy to fall for him. He was adorable, and his personality and good deeds helped immensely.

“Yes, this is him. His Q and A session hasn’t started yet, we’re early. It looks like he’s meeting with fans. Do you think he’ll have time to talk to me?” I wondered, restless with excitement.

“Probably. Go over there and see.”

“I need you guys to come with. To take our picture…and to give me some moral support.” I found myself getting nervous, once I realized my dream was really about to come true.

My friends walked me over to Mark and the group of people around him. He was with someone, but I made sure to wait right there so I’d be next. Sure enough, I was next, and I felt ridiculous trying to talk to him.

“Hey Mark, I’m such a huge fan! I absolutely love your Youtube channel. I watch your videos every day, and your live streams, when I can. I donated a little to the last one.” The words stumbled out of my mouth clumsily, but I had no do-over to make it more smooth.

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