Part Six - Starting New

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Part Six: Starting New

We all went outside to watch Eyes get escorted into the police car and whisked away. Officer James offered to give us rides home, but instead Sarah and I decided to hitch a ride with Mark. We had just experienced a day that we all wanted to forget. None of us could ever forget it, but I know at least I thought that a ride in a police car would just make me remember it more and have to deal with it longer. I hoped a normal car ride would help me to forget for just a little while.

We had no idea where Sarah would be staying yet. Her and Eyes had come to life, but there was no evidence that anyone else in her life had been brought alive by the game. Without a family or a home, she needed someone to take her in. It would probably be either Mark or I, since we were the only two in this world that really understood her situation. At that moment, though, none of us really cared. Not even Sarah seemed to be concerned about her new, difficult living situation. All any of us wanted was to escape for a while. We all seemed to make a silent agreement to just go back to Mark’s place for a while to relax. He took us straight there without saying anything and Sarah and I didn’t question anything.

The ride there was silent, but once we got there, we had taken enough time to think and let everything soak in to be able to start getting back to normal again.

“Well, here we are. It’s not much, but it’s all I’ve got,” Mark announced as we walked in. He lived in a small house, and like he said, it wasn’t much. It was cozy though. There wasn’t too much interior decorating, as I normally would expect from any single guy living on his own.

“Nice place,” Sarah commented. She was doing much better now. I think the security of knowing her worst fear was getting locked up helped.

“Thanks. So, are you guys hungry? Should I order a pizza or something?” I realized it was about dinner time now, but I wasn’t really hungry. I don’t think any of us really were, but getting food would give us something to do, so Mark ordered a pizza for us to share.

“So, do you guys just want to stay here for the night? Are your parents or friends going to be worried about you, Ryana?” Mark asked. I almost felt like I was intruding on Mark’s space, but I really didn’t want to go home yet. I didn’t even want to explain to anyone what had happened. I texted my mom and told her I’d be staying at a friend’s house and I told my friends that everything was fine and I was staying somewhere for the night. I wasn’t ready to explain the unexplainable.

“If it’s not too much trouble, could I stay?” I questioned Mark, showing my concern with invading his privacy.

“Of course you can. you’re both welcome to stay. Since you are staying, I guess I should probably give you guys a tour.”

While we waited for the pizza to come, Mark showed us his house. Kitchen, living room, bathroom, bedroom, computer room.

“The only bad thing is that I don’t really have a lot of places to sleep. There’s the couch in the living room and then I have a blow up mattress or a sleeping bag. I’ll take the sleeping bag or mattress or whatever if one of you guys wants to take my bed, and then someone else can have the couch,” Mark decided.

“You don’t need to give up your bed, Mark,” Sarah said.

“Yeah, we’ll be fine. I’ve slept on my concrete basement floor on only a sleeping bag before, it’s fine,” I added.

“Well I can handle sleeping on the floor too you know. You guys are guests, you deserve to feel at home,” Mark insisted. The doorbell rang, alerting us that the pizza had arrived. “I’ll take the floor, you guys just figure out where you want to sleep. I’ll go get the pizza.”

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