Morning time

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Destiny fell asleep in Niall's arms. I woke niall up to go to his room because if the judges saw,they wouldn't get in trouble,it would be all on gossip pages etc. He kissed Destiny on her temple and leaves the room. We wake up to the boys jumping around back and forth on our beds. They brought McDonalds for all of us. We sing around in mine and destinys room. The boys sing as a group,destiny sings as a solo as well as I. Niall looks harmonized as destiny sings skinny love by birdy. Liam sways side to side as I sing a team by Ed sheeran. The boys sing torn by well one direction. Niall and destiny exchange looks and destiny whispers," when I tap your leg your going to kiss zayn on the cheek. As well as I for Harry. " Apparently zayn has a crush on me. Harry has a crush on destiny,so niall and Louis made it a plan to make it awkward as a joke for them. Of course destiny goes along with it because well she's destiny as well as me doing it. Destiny taps my leg, and we both lean in and kiss the boy we were supposed to. Harry blushed and grabbed destinys hips and pulled her on top of him. He was pretending to kiss her neck. niall knew he was pretending,but niall looked redish. Harry saw niall and lifted destiny up. Zayn was holding his cheek acting all dramatic like he would never let anyone touch that cheek. We all laugh,but niall looks madish,so destiny leans across and kisses niall on the neck by his collar bone. Harry looked a little jealous. He got over it,so we all started singing again. Niall sang neyo so sick, Lou sang hey there Delilah ,zayn sang Mario let me love you,Harry sang isn't she lovely,Liam sang cry me a river, destiny sang drops of jupiter,I sang I knew you were trouble. We all had to go to a sound check,so we left the room to go to sound check.

(A/N I'm goin to start putting ch. 6- so and so :) thanks:))

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