Chapter One

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New story I'm trying out please give it a chance :) Inspired by real people.



Enjoy :)


"You know sometimes I wonder... how long you'll stick around for. " As the words left my mouth, I held my breath. I didn't want to know what he would say. James was never the one to be good with words. So my expectations were not that high. I didn't know what had caused me to have such courage to ask him that, but with everything going right now, it was hard not to. The music that filled the coffee shop had slowly faded into the background, and all I could hear was the slow beating of my heart , as I waited anxiously for him to answer me.

James looked up from his cup,"I wonder how long will you want me around." He said defeated.  The words had me completely frozen for a few minutes.

I gave him a small smile and whispered just loud enough for him to hear me, "Right now I don't ever want you to leave."

1 year earlier

"Emily , you need to get up!" My mothers voice came nagging from behind my bedroom door. I groaned and rolled over only to feel myself flying off my bed.

"Fuck," I muttered. I slowly got up , leaning my forearm on my bed for support. My mom banged on the door a few more times.

"Emily Mary Parker what did I just hear from your mouth !?" She yelled, then continued on. "Get ready for school , you can't be late again, or the principal is going to be up my ass. And for Gods sake, unlock your door, I don't even understand why we put it in the first place." I rolled my eyes as she ranted. My mother loved complaining even though she didn't show it. In my entire household we were six , and the only person she nags about is me.  I guess since I was the youngest, she had no choice, but to nag at me. 

Today I was not in the mood to get ready for school , so I put on my jeans, my nirvana T-shirt, and a gray hoodie on top. I didn't bother with contacts, and left my glasses on. As for my hair... well I brushed it a few times and put it up in a ponytail. I had stayed up all night trying to finish my essay for Mrs. Newman. She gives us assignments last minutes, and we have to pay for it.   

"Emily I swear, if you don't come out of this room in three seconds I am calling your father. 3...2...1"

Just as she got to one I wrenched the door open and gave my mother a bored look. "I'm ready, I'm ready," I told her. "I'm catching a ride with Stacy, and we might go to the mall after school. So I'll be home around 5 or 6." My mothers face was priceless. She glared at me, holding a laundry basket at her hip.

My mom used to be beautiful. Then she had six kids, and devoted her life at becoming a house wife, and it drained the life out of her. She doesn't like to admit it but she misses her old job. I felt bad for taking advantage of her sometimes, but today was important. The only response was a short grunt, and a glare that told me I better be home no later than six or else I was dead. God forbid I miss one family dinner. I smiled, kissed my mom on the cheek and headed outside. 

Stacy was waiting for me outside. Her small KIA parked right in front of my house.   She looked confused as she stared down at her phone. I knocked on the window, and smiled. She umped at the sudden noise, looked up, and grinned sheepishly. 

"Who are you texting," I asked in a sing song voice. Stacy only ever shows that expression when she's texting  someone from the male species.  I guess I was right by the way she blushed furiously. I laughed and shoved her shoulder. "No way! What's his name, and why was this not mentioned earlier?" I teased.  At this point she put the car in drive and headed toward school. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2013 ⏰

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