CHAPTER 29: Break-up Plan

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"Oh, hi Tiffy! It's very nice to meet you!" Andrea said.
"Ugh, hi! We met in Darren's unit, don't you remember?" I said.
"Oh yeah! But we didn't hang that much." She said and sat.

"What should we eat?" Darren said as he opened the menu.
"You should try their stake cause it's the best!" Andrea said.
"Sure! What dessert do you want, Sunshine?" Darren asked.
"Oh, I don't really know." I think I like that choco kitkat shakes but--
"I like their choco kitkat shake, Baby. You should try it!" JK said. Whut? Was
"Really? I love kitkats!"
"I want that couple shake!" I said.
"To they have one here?" Darren asked and looked on it in the menu.
"They have it if we had two straws? Hahaha."
"Hahaha. Sweet. I also want the choco kitkat shake. Do you want it, Sunshine?" Darren asked. Oh, why Darren, why?
"W- y-yeah, s-sure." I said.
"Waiter...." Darren said all of our orders.

As Darren was talking to the waiter, I caught JK's eyes were staring at mine, then he suddenly looked away. Is something wrong?

"So, how did you, two, started?" Andrea started a conversation.
"Oh, it was our free day so we all planned to play Truth or Dare." Darren started.
"And then the bottle stopped pointing towards me." I continued.
"JK asked her if she would say yes on my courtship 'cause I've courted her like 3 months ago and I still wasn't accepting any answers from her."
"Then what happened?" Asked Andrea.
"Well, she said yes. My heart was like jumping up and down and I was screaming in the room saying 'TIFFANY DEMETERIO IS NOW MY GIRLFRIEND!!'" Darren said and Andrea laughed. JK was like....emotionless. What's happening with you?
"How about you and JK?" I asked.
"Oh, I remember it was your birthday when JK courted me. Am I right?" Andrea asked. Ugh, that's a bad day.
"Y-yeah! What happened?"
"Well, me and JK went in a restaurant where they only serve sweets. He like gave me so many candies. After that, he confessed to me and asked me if I wanna be his girlfriend." She said.
"Aww! That's so sweet!" Darren said.
"The candies or us?" Andrea asked.
"What? Of course the candies! I mean, you two! Hahaha."

"I'll just go to the bathroom." JK suddenly spoke.
"O-ok, b-baby." Andrea said.

Darren and Andrea were talking and laughing all around and JK's still not coming back.

"Ct, I'll just wash my hands, ok?" I said.
"Yeah, sure." He said.

I wanted to go to the bathroom but I passed by the terrace. JK was just standing there.

"JK..." I stood beside him.
"What are you doing here?"
"I-I was j-just curious. Why are you here?" I asked.
"Just go please." He said.
"Why? Did I do something wro--"
"Just. Go. Please."
"Please, JK. Tell me the reason. What's wrong?"

He was silent and took a deep breath. He looked at me in the eyes.

"It's you." He said.
"W-what? I-I d-don't understand." I said.
"I....I can't do it. I'm s-such a bad boyfriend." He said and he was hitting his head.
"Hey stop! You are not! You're such a swee--"
"Stop lying to me, Tiffany. I know I'm not a good boyfriend." He said.
"How could you say that?"
"Tiffany, don't you understand it?"
"I-I can't--"
"Tiffany, I don't love Andrea!" He said.

O. M. G.

"Tiffany, I don't love her. I was just forced to love her 'cause I don't have a choice!" He said.
"What? Why not?"

"Tiffany.....I love you." He said.

No. What. Did. You. Just. Say.

"I can't be with you and Darren when you two are all so sweet. My heart aches! I just used Andrea so that I could make you jealous! I tried to hide and delete my feelings for you....but I can't."
"I-I.....m-me too." I said.

His eyes widen.

"It's like my heart is beating so fast when I'm with you. There's always some sparks when you hug or....kiss me."

"JK, I don't want to hurt Darren. heart shouts your name." I said.
"T-Tiffany....ugh, what's happening with our lives! We're stucked with the persons we don't really love." JK said.
"JK, I don't want Darren to be so sad. He's been so nice and sweet to me and I can't give it back to him. He's a very nice person and I don't wanna break his heart." I said.

"What will we do? Hide our feelings? Act like nothing happened? Tiffany it's hard." JK said.
"Ugh....I don't know what to do."
"We can't have a secret relationship. That's worse than hiding feelings."
"C'mon, let's just go back there." I said.
"What? We're gonna break up with them? Tell them that we love each other? Or act like nothing ha--"
"JK, I don't know! They're waiting for us inside." I said.
"Wait! Here's the deal..." He held my shoulder.
"After the dinner, we'll talk to them and say we love each other, and that it's hard to be with them when they know we love each other. We can't and we'll not lie to them about our feelings for each other." JK said.
"No, JK, no! I don't wanna hurt Darren's feeling!"
"It'll hurt more if you're lying to him than telling him the truth." JK said.
"JK, he's been so sweet and kind to me and this is what I'll give him?"
"Fine. Then don't." He said and went inside.

What am I gonna do? My head's so jumbled right now. Ugh, WHY?

I just followed JK.

"Hey, where have you been? The foods are now cold!" Darren asked.
"Oh, the line was so long in the bathroom." I said.
"C'mon! Let's eat! This is really delicious!" Andrea said.

JK was just looking at me. His eyes were like trying to scold me. Huhuhu I don't wanna do this.

We were all done and we were preparing to go home.

"Bye Tiffy and Darren! Take care!" Andrea said.
"Bye, Andrea! Bye JK!" Darren said.

Before me and Darren went inside the car, I saw JK was trying to tell me something. His lips were saying 'do it'.

We went inside the car.

Ugh, this is it. I'll try to...ugh this is so hard. I inhaled, exhaled....uuuugh how can I say this? I wanna cry right now huhuhu.

"Uhm, D-Darren." I said. This. Is. It.
"Yes, sunshine?" He said. Oh please, don't call me sunshine. I wanna cry right now.
"You know that I love you so much, right?" I said.
"Yes! I know it 'cause you're my girlfriend! You're my sunshine!" He said. Tears wanted to escape my eyes. My heart is being stabbed right now.
"Yeah, I know but, I just wanna say I really really love you and you've been a so kind and sweet boyfriend to me." I said.
"Aw, thank you, sunshine. I'll never stop being sweet and kind to you. 'Cause

♪You are my sunshine,
My only sunshine.
You make me happy,
When skies are grey♪

He sang.

Tears escaped my eyes.

Darren, I'm sorry.

Hi guys! So, I don't know when will I end this story. Should the next chapter be the last or should I make it to chapter 35?

Do you want a book 2 of this 'cause I'll make the ending so mysterious like you're gonna say 'WHAT?' Hahahaha.

Please don't forget to vote and comment. Comment your suggestions about what I said (if I'll end the chapter on the next chapter or should I make it up on 35) but I can't promise you the last 5 chapters will be long, but I'll try!

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