Fuck it!

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Drake's POV

We had landed back in L.A 3 hours ago. Robyn hasn't talked to me since last night at the club. It frustrates the shit outta for her to give me silent treatment. She's talking but ain't talking to me. It's either Mel or Katy. The three of them ain't talking to me. I swear it would had be boring if Chubbs wasn't in the jet with me. He was the one keeping me occupied with a conversation. I appreciate that.
"I see y'all need a moment alone. She can't avoid you forever." Chubbs said in almost a whisper.
"But she is. You seen the glares she gives me if I say something to her. I hate it when she looks at me like that. I really do." I shook my head and took the opportunity to glance at Robyn. She was looking at me but when we locked eyes, she'd looked away.
"Well I'm leaving. I'll take shawty with me." He smiled.
"Shawty?" I raised an eyebrow.
"Yep. Me and Mel hit it off last night." He grinned.

"Finally!" I exclaimed, making everyone to turn their attention towards us.
"Shut up. Ima leave you Bro." He dipped me up as he stood up.
"Ight." I nodded and he glanced at Mel who quickly got the hint.

After they left, Katy left too and Robyn got up and went to the kitchen. I sighed and braced myself for whatever I was gonna get. I got up and went to the kitchen and found Robyn making herself a cup of coffee.
"Robyn, when will you stop ignoring me?" I asked as I stood behind her.
"Move away from me." She demanded. Her voice was calm. I obeyed her and stood next to her.
"I asked you a question." I said getting irritated at the silent treatment she was giving me.

"When will you stop flirting with hoes?" She glared at me as she sipped her coffee.
"As I have said before, I don't flirt with hoes." I said trying not to sound as irritated as I was.
"Yeah right." She rolled her eyes and walked towards the living room.
"Robyn...what do you want from me?" I grabbed her by her arm.
"Your fuckin loyalty. You can't gimme that, Can you?" She yanked her arm away.
"I am loyal. I didn't cheat. That was jus' a kiss. You really overreacting." I was starting to get pissed now.
"Really Aubrey?! I'm overeating?! How would you feel if it was me and Chris?!" She yelled on top of her lungs.
"I would fuckin' understand because I trust you! It's fuckin' clear that you don't trust me. I don't even know why we're in a relationship if you don't trust me!" I yelled right back at her.

"What?! I can't belie- actually I fuckin do. You got so much pride that it's making you to act like an asshole. What's so fuckin hard for you to apologise with sincerity on your fuckin words?!" She crossed her arms over her chest as her eyes began to water. My mood changed immediately as I saw the tears fall down her face.
"Baby..." I said in a soft voice, walking towards her. I extended my arm, reaching for her but she pulled away.
"Don't you...don't you fuckin dare touch me!" She hissed, stubbornly wiping her tears.
"I'm sorry...okay?" I tried to reach for her again but she pulled away once again.
"No the fuck you not! Do you have an idea how hurt I am for you to even question our relationship? I bet you don't. You such an idiot!"

"I'm sorry, Robyn. I don't know what came over me but I didn't mean that. I'm not questioning our relationship."

"It sounded like you did. It's like you don't know what you want. If it's not this shit with you it's like another shit!"

"I do know what I want. I want you and I love you! Only you!"

"I want to believe you. Trust me I do but I jus' can't seem to do that. I don't know."

"What don't you know?"

"I don't know what I don't know. I'm fuckin' confused" she rolled her eyes.

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