She's back

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  When I woke up, Taehyung was looking at me with wide opened-eyes.
-Taehyung! I screamed in surprise.
-Must be nice right? Been sleeping all night with no problems.
-What do you mean?
-I feel bad for your future husband. He'll suffer when he'll have to sleep with you.
-Yaaa why!? F-future husband!?
-You've been kicking me out of bed, taking all the blanket and snoring like a bear.
-Me!? Snoring!? Don't make me laugh...Anyway it's your fault! You're the one who wanted to sleep with me!
-Yes and I've already regretted it..
I got out of bed quite angrily but it made Taehyung grinned.
Taehyung followed me, still smiling.
I turned back and faced him.
-What's so funny!? I shouted as I pouted.
Taehyung just kept smiling until he received a text from someone.
Taehyung looked surprised as he read the message.
-Ailee, I'll get going now, see you at school.
-Wait! Why aren't you waiting me..?
-Someone's waiting for me. Bye.
Before I could add anything, he had already left.
But I couldn't think about Taehyung at that moment.. I was late for school and I didn't even have my school uniform. I got out his house immediatly and rushed to my house to change clothes. Thank God mom had already left. I changed my clothes fast and I ran to school. I didn't care about my hair or anything, I was just late and I hated it, because I've never been late in my whole life.

I eventually arrived at school, ran towards the classroom and opened it like a clown.
-G-good morning Sir.. I'm sorry for being late, I said embarrassed.
-Lee Ailee! Since it's your first time, I'll let it go.. But don't ever be late again!
I nodded and took place on my seat.
-Yaa Ailee-ah..Where have you been? You have to tell me everything with Taehyung, Hyorin said curiously.
I couldn't talk at the moment so I just wrote her what had happened last night.
Once Hyorin read it, she was frozen.
Amber noticed her expression and out of nowhere she grabbed the small paper and read the story.
Amber looked at me with a "You're so naughty" expression, trying to hold back her laughter.

When class eventually ended, both Hyorin and Amber rushed to me.
-Ailee! I can't believe! you .. you..
-It's not what you think!
-What are they thinking? A sudden voice added behind their backs. Shin.
-Ohhh.. Shin.. Nothing...
But Shin had already seen the paper and grabbed it out of curiosity.
-Shin.. Don't..!
But it was too late.. The paper fell down and Shin looked frozen..
-Shin.. I murmured.
He suddenly grabbed my wirst harshly and took me out of the classroom. Sungjong was looking at us, a bit sad.
-Shin..! You're hurting me.. I tried to mubble as he was pulling me away.
He eventually let go of me.
-Ailee! Is that all you worth!? Sleeping with another guy!?
-Shin.. You know I like him...
-Ailee.. are you giving your body just for him to stay with you?
I couldn't believe what I was hearing.
-What!? No of course! How can you even say that!? Don't you know me!?
-I thought I knew you...
-Why are you acting like this Shin!? It's not like..
I was cut in the middle of my words when he pulled me against him and hugged me tightly.
-I-I like you Ailee.. I can't stand it anymore.. you being with him.
I slowly pushed him away.
-Shin you're my bestfriend but nothing else.. I'm sorry.. but it's better to tell you things now and clearly than giving you false hopes.
-You really love that guy..?
-I-I do...
-Does he love you too?
-I don't know Shin.. It's weird..
-Then why is he with another girl?
I looked at Shin's expression and I turned back to see what he was looking at.
In fact.. Taehyung was with a girl..
I got frozen.
I looked at Jimin suddenly , so did he.
He slowly approached me smiling.
-I guess the game is over now, Lee Ailee?
-What do you mean?
-Taehyung's ex is back.

What..? His ex..? The one he had to go out with earlier was his ex..?
My heart started aching.
Shin looked at me with a pitiful look. I didn't blamek him, I hurt him after all.
Shin putted his hands in his pockets and left the corridor in which Taehyung, his ex and his friends were.

Once Taehyung came closer to me, with his ex on the side, they both complitely avoided me. I tried to hold back my words from screaming his name.
Baekyhun, at his turn, came next to me.
-Ailee, you've lost. She's his first love and he still loves her.
Once again, I felt like receiving a bullet in my heart.
Was Taehyung a player because 0f his first love..? Then he'd been using me to forget her.. Anyway I've lost too..
I may be have lost my heart.. but I'm not going to lose my smile too. Not because of a player like him.

The rumor in the school spread fast by. All were trying to look for Taehyung and his ex, what's her name? Ah yes Wendy.
As I've heard so far, Wendy's been studying in America all this time and that's why she broke up with Taehyung. But since she's back now, I guess they'll get back together.
Just that thought made me mad already but also the fact that my friends kept looking at me with a pitiful look.
-Let's all turn gay! Sungjong eventually let out.
-You are already..Hyorin added stoned.
-I was talking about you guys.
-Get with Shin first and then let's see if we should really turn into gay! Amber added ironically.
Sungjong cleared his voice as he was a bit embarrassed.
-Anyway let's just eat peacefully. Food is the reason we live. Why need love? Just get food. Sungjong continued.
Sungjong...He'd always make me laugh in the worse moments.

Today at lunch, I'd sit again with my friends. It has been long time since I haven't had sat with them. And I tried to forget about all of what had happened.
After all, I'm not the type to cry after a heartbroken..Well Hmm.. Anyway!
I sat down with my friends and we started talking about nonsense when suddenly an unfamiliar voice was heard.
Hyorin immediatly turned back her head and got speechless, as she knew who he was.
-Our cute Hyorin we meet again! That strange guy asked. I've never seen him in school but he was wearing the school uniform.
We didn't know what had happened between them but we've felt what was going on.
That guy tried touching her cheek but Hyorin avoided him, letting out a small scream.
That guy got impatient and got up, preparing his arm, ready to hit her.
I stepped between them.
-Who are you?
-Hyorin, she's your friend? Woah.. She's a way more cuter than you.
The student tried touching me, at his turn but I grabbed his wrist.
-Leave her alone.
-Woah.. and you're aggressive too. I wonder how you'd be in bed.
Everyone was looking and listening.
The man was approaching and I was stepping back, in front of Hyorin.
-Give me your body and I'll leave her.
-How dare you..Disgustuing pig..
-What did you say..!? That boy started getting angry and he was about to hit me with his fist when Taehyung grabbed his shirt and punched him hard.
He fell down and he looked at Taehyung angrily.
-Yaa Kim Taehyung.. why are you even coming into this? That's none of your business!
-It's my business if you try touching my girlfriend.
G-girlfriend? I looked at Taehyung lost.
-So that brat is your girlfriend? Wow Taehyung-ah, your standards must have gone down since you've been dumped by Wendy.
Oh wait.. but Wendy's here today..Yaaa Kim Taehyung you really are something.
-GD oppa! Taehyung and I are just friends. Of course I know his new girlfriend. She's really cute, isn't she? Taehyung have been talking about her all day.
GD got surprised by her answer and he just glared at her disgusted.
-We'll meet again, Kim Taehyung, Wendy. And You.
GD took his guy and left the room, kicking a chair before leaving.
-I was still speechless from the awkward situation. But suddenly I overheard Wendy and Taehyung.
-Wendy I can explain..
-Don't worry Taehyung, I know what happened. I trust you.
As Wendy said that, she walked away slowly but Taehyung followed her, not even giving a look at me.
I sighed in disbelief and this time Taehyung had left me alone, not in the dark alone, but in front of everyone in the light.

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