Part 1

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Walking through the doors of my new job I quickly looked around. Ugh, what a shitty place. It was almost 5:40pm so the last of the customers were leaving. I've been fired from all of my previous jobs because of my attitude. I just can't help it, I don't put up with anybody's shit. Not my fault people try me constantly. I LUCKILY got this job on the night shift at this stupid pizzeria, though. The boss swore to me I wouldn't have to work with anyone else with the exception of these three weeks for training. WHY it takes three weeks to train someone is beyond me. All of the employees must be VERY stupid.

The boss gestured to where I would be working for the night before walking out the door in a hurried pace. "Fuck you, too" I mumbled as I reached for the keys Boss gave me that were in my pocket. I went to put the key in when another hand came in front of mine. The door locked with a click and I very slowly glanced up to the shit-stain that felt like I couldn't preform a simple task such as locking a damn door. He was smirking at me. Wearing the same uniform as myself but had a nice golden badge to go with it. His hair was back in a pony-tail with his guard hat on his head. His eyes seemed, strange... Almost lifeless. But he had this smile on his face... Almost knowing but also cold and comforting at the same time.

"So, you're the new replacement.. huh~?" He asked. "Yeah well, obviously" I snapped, jerking up the collar of my uniform. "I mean, you would have to be an idiot to not guess I was on the night-shift, and since you guys needed help.. I'm the replacement. Really, couldn't figure that out on your own?" I sneered while staring at the guy. I got the feeling he was angry but he made sure he kept a calm demeanor. *This girl is lucky I'm not choking her right now* "Well, I was just trying to strike up some sort of conversation, love" he stated as he finished locking the doors and turned to head to our office. "Yeah, whatever... So I hear the animatronics kill you at night?" I said with a slight chuckle. "Well, yeah, they do... if they catch you" He sneered at me over his shoulder.

"You are full of bullshit just like everyone else" I said as we walked into the security office. "Shut the door behind you" Vincent said with a serious look on his face. "The last girl that worked here didn't listen to me...." Vincent trailed off. "Well, what happened to her?" I asked in a sarcastic tone while pushing the button to shut the door on my side. Vincent suddenly got a wide grin on his face "Nothing...". "Yeah, I figured as much.. I never read anything about it in the newspaper" I stated, calling his bluff. "You really think so~?" He smirked. "Well then, I guess you have it all figured out, you don't need me here" he said while standing up and smiling at me. He made his way to the door on his side and hovered his hand over the switch to open the door.

"Well, I mean... since it's my first night it wouldn't hurt to have an experienced guard here" I admitted, feeling pathetic. The rumors I've heard about this place did creep me out. I've heard everything from there is a killer that stalks the place and kills night guards to the actual animatronics kill the guards. I only took this job because it didn't take much to get hired here and I need the money. Vincent sat back down, grinning at me. "This doesn't mean I need you!" I started. "Whatever helps you sleep, love~" Vincent said *You are going to be killed a lot faster than I originally thought*.

We sat there in silence just watching the security cameras for a while. "Do the animatronics actually kill you at night? Seriously.. no bullshit this time." I asked, looking at the desk. "Yes" Vincent simply stated, almost like he didn't want me there. "Look, I don't know what your problem is-" I yelled but was cut off by Vincent "It has nothing to do with you acting like a self-righteous spoiled piece of shit" he said without his eyes ever leaving the camera. *Oh, I'm going to really enjoy killing this stupid little bitch* "Cat got your tongue~?" Vincent sneered. "Look, I didn't start this job just to make more whiney-ass pathetic enemies" I said while crossing my arms. "Well then drop your fucking attitude" Vincent snarled suddenly jerking his head to look at me.

*What should I do with her? Kill her like I did the last girl? No... her mouth... I can't stand her fucking attitude. Maybe I will just trick her into going out in the dining area while the animatronics are hunting.... Or maybe hang her up by her intestines at the entrance-way? That way everyone can see every bit of bitch she is* Vincent smiled.

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