Part 3

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I don't want to work with him again. It's only the 3rd night and I hate him so much I can't stand it. I made my way into the hell-hole that is my job and stood there, watching the day-shift finish cleaning up while others were already leaving. "Hey!" I jumped a little and quickly turned my head in the direction of the voice. "So, how are things going so far?" the Boss asked, crossing his arms and standing beside me. "Can I be trained by anyone other than Vincent?" I asked, returning my gaze to the day-shift workers. "We have two other night-guards but the more experienced one refuses to train any newbies." the Boss frowned a little. "So, I'm stuck with him, huh?" now I was frowning. "Look, I know Vincent can be a little rough around the edges but usually when people get to know him he isn't THAT bad. And actually, he's pretty popular with the ladies.." the Boss said. I snorted "WHAT?!". "Yeah, actually. When he was on the day-shift he was always flirting with different women. And they would flirt right back. He can be a little grabby, though." the Boss said with a sigh. "Why don't you just fire him?" I asked. The Boss then turned to face me "Because he's good at his job. And I trust him to assist with any.... problems... that may arise. Maybe you should give him a chance" and with that the Boss waved and walked out the door with the last of the day-shift employees.

I sigh and turn to lock the doors but Vincent was already there. "That didn't go the way you'd hoped it would, did it?" Vincent snickered while turning his key in the lock. What? Had he been eavesdropping? I just do not understand how anyone would like this guy. He's suck a dick! I walked into the office and shut my door as Vincent did the same. We both sat down and sat in silence for a while. I looked at the wall where the schedule was posted. Today is Sunday. So we're off Monday and Tuesday. Work Wednesday and Thursday and off all next weekend. The week after is the opposite with us only having Wednesday and Thursday off.

"Fucking great" I said sarcastically... "What?" Vincent asked. "UGH! Nothing... just.. nothing" I said, propping my elbows on the desk. "Why are you such a dick?" I ask, staring at the screens in front of me. "I'm only a dick in the presence of stupid bitches" Vincent harshly said. "Fuck off!" I growled. Yeah, not that bad. Whatever, he's a fucking punk. "So since you were listening in, what did the Boss mean when he said he trusted you to assist with any problems?" I slightly turned my head and laid it on my arm, looking at Vincent. "I get rid of things that may bring bad publicity to the pizzeria" Vincent smirked. "Like what?" I inquired. "None of your fucking business. When we're sure you will actually stick around then you'll be let in on a few secrets" Vincent said, turning to look at me. *But you wont be here that long*

I rolled my eyes at him. "I noticed the day shift get's to come in a lot later on Sundays. I'm guessing because there isn't much business that day. But why doesn't the night-guards get that privilege?". "Because our job is a bit more serious than the day-shifts" Vincent replied, returning his stare to the camera screens. Vincent stretched his arms above his head and then sighed, removing his hat and setting it on the desk. He ran his fingers through his hair and then leaned back in his chair, continuing to watch the screens with half lidded eyes. He is pretty hot.. too bad he's such a shit-head.

"Any particular reason you're staring at me, love?" He asked, cocking one eyebrow up and moving his gaze to me his eyes still half open. "Just trying to figure out how someone as detestable as you can actually get people to like you" I smirked. Vincent hummed and rubbed his chin "Most people aren't such vile little shits, like you". "Fuck you!" I said loudly. "I'm so fucking happy I only have to see your stupid face two nights next week". *You better enjoy your next week.. Soon after that you're going to be dead*

The alarm finally sounded and I jumped up quickly "FINALLY! See you in two days, douche!" I said happily, practically running out the door. "Twat" Vincent growled and he placed his hat back on his head and slowly stood up, watching me leave on the security cameras. "I have never despised someone as much as her" Vincent said aloud as he closed his eyes. *I will make sure her death is slow and agonizing*

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