Chapter 2

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Saturday 15th August 11:10


I knew that scream. OMG it's my mum!

I ran for my life , well my mothers, I didn't even think about what might lie ahead. All I could think about was how I had to find my mum.

The scream sounded again.

Instead of running I decided to stand to listen what direction I should head in. This place was huge it was like a labyrinth.

The scream cane again, shorter this time.

I knew if I don't get to her quickly then I would be too late so I started running in the direction the scream came from. No one else in the mall seemed to do anything. They probably thought it was some teens playing around. The fact not helped by me , a 16 year old running like a spaz down the length of the mall.

The scream suddenly broke out again. It sounded further way this time. It also sounded like was above me. I looked up.

Their was my mother being hauled away by a gang with masks on. Then I saw the gun.

My mum however in her frenzy looked down and saw me. Then I had to go mess it up.

"MUM!!" I screamed.

"RUN! ROSE!" She screamed back.

I being the idiot I am , specially with the adrenaline pumping through my veins, ran up the stairs and started to run towards my mum and the gang. Also in my idiotness I forgot about the gun and the fact the even if the gang members had masks on they still had eyes. The boom of a gunshot rang out and I felt something skim my shoulder. I don't feel any pain just a numb feeling. I looked to see what it was and saw the big gash across my shoulder ripping my T-shirt open.

'Well that's gonna hurt later' -I said to myself in my thoughts.

Of course the adrenaline wa also keeping me from feeling the pain , one of its least rubbish side effects. But I don't want to feel the pain when it wore off so I kept running. More gunshots rung out. I jumped on the floor not wanting to get hurt again.

I led their for a moment. Why? Why my mum? What were they going to do with her? I don't want to know all I knew at that moment is that I wanted my mum. When I finally looked up I could no longer hear my mothers screams or see her. I could see however people starting to panic realising what had just happened. Then their eyes all fell on me, the poor little girl who's mum had just been taken for god knows what reason, who tried so hard to save her. People from the shops ran out and started talking to me trying to take me to their shop. But I just sat their I was in utter shock ,bit wasn't going in what had jut happened. Then the police came and took me away. All I saw were blurs nothing made sense. I did however see an ambulance.

Then it hit me what was I going to do - I was alone! Alone!

"WHAT, AM, I, GONNA, DO!"I screamed I couldn't breathe . My mum oh god what was going to happen to her?!! The people around me started to fall away or was it me?

The last thing I remember was being hauled off the floor into the ambulance and feeling a sharp pain in my arm and falling into a deep,deep sleep.


Hey there!

Should I continue my story? I don't know!!! GOD MY LIFE IS MESSED UP! Sarcasm is an amzing thing.Not a very long chapter just wanted to get that over with.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2013 ⏰

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