Then she

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Kate's POV

Then Scarlett jammed the knife into Harry's chest.

Harry fell to the ground.

I felt like a part of me was missing, gone, taken.

"See you in the after life Harry" Scarlett said

"Now for you" Scarlett said looking at me.

"Kill me" I said plainly

"Why" Scarlett said

"You killed all of my friends, the person I loved, and my life." I said

"Aww is Someone said about there boy friend being killed, I know how you feel" Scarlett said

"But....Time for you to Die" Scarlett said

Scarlett came to me with a knife in her hand, Harry's blood on the end.

"Dear god, if you are here please let Harry live, let me die, let Harry live" I said inside my head.

Scarlett looked at me with a smirk on her face, she walked forward.

My eyes started to tear up, I would have got up but I was to scared, paralyzed to move.

She came at me






I closed my eyes










But I didn't feel anything, I opened my eyes and Scarlett was laying in the ground, and Louis was standing there with a pan in his hands.

"You looked helpless, so I thought I could help" Louis said with a grin.

"Thank you" I said

I looked down





"Is there a way that Harry can live?" I ask

"No........not really" he said

"But, but, he can't just die! This can not be happening!" I said

"Why love?" Louis said

"I loved him" I say

"I'm sorry" Louis said

"Can we get rid of this bitch?" I asked

"Yes ma'am" Louis said

He grabbed Scarlett and put her dead body over his shoulder, then we walked out of the house.





We walked to a ocean, me and Louis both threw her in the freezing ocean.













We walked back to the house, but someone, someone different was in the house.

Curly hair

Red eyes of fury.

"Harry?" Louis said to what he thought was him self.

Me and Louis raced to the door.

We both tried to sqeaze through, but it didn't quite work.

Louis fell onto the ground, I stepped over him.

Me and Louis raced up the stairs where we saw the curly haired boy.






Hehehhehehehe was do you think Harry is, will he remember everything that happened?

(Hint hint)



Love you all BEUTIFUlS!!!!

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