Comment Peoplez

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Me/Cooper: Hewwo, Peoplez! We are gonna do a FNAF 1 & 2 Dare so plz comment now so we can get started!

Kurra/Side Author: But check out my FNAF Dares also! I'm YaoiGoddess005

Freddy: Just to get this out of the way, Toy Bonnie is-

TB: CLYDE! And Toy Freddy is-

TF: Red... TC can explain herself.

Chico: I'm TC, but call me Chico!

The Marionette: Call me Mari.

Balloon Boy: Hi! *gives you balloon*

Mary: Call him BB.

Golden Freddy: Call me Gold. Okay bye *disappears*

Me & Kurra: Ass...

Me: Now that we have everything sorted out, plz comment and dare.

Kurra: Can I dare?

Me: No, you help me write.

Kurra: •^• Let me help!!


Kurra: Anyway, people we don't know, plz dare and ask questions! Bu bye!

Dare & Ask FNAF 1 & 2!!Where stories live. Discover now