I Used To Be...
I used to be alive,
I used to feel,
I used to dream,
I used to walk,
I used to breathe,
I used to love,
I used to be loved,
I used to be seen,
I used to be heard,
I used to be noticed, but now I'm a ghost, hiding in shadows, waiting to be heard, loved, seen, noticed, an all those wonderful thing. I'm waiting for a moment that will never cone, but I can still dream. And dream I will.
The blue, cloudless sky,
The blue, choppy, yet calm ocean,
The blue, never ending river of tears,
"Moo," says they cow, wishing he too, could be blue,
"Who?" asks the dear, old, wise owl wondering if he too, could be blue,
"?" asks the zebra wishing for strips of blue,
Wouldn't you?
The blue dye in my hair, why would I taste it?
The blue dye in my drink, why it has not taste at all,
The blue dye in my blood, making me freeze in my tracks, why it must taste like posion.
Water is blue, cold, and going on and on forever,
Ice is blue, coldhearted, unforgiving, and full of darkness,
Books are like blue, hard to understand and full of nothing.
What can blue do? It can hurt you, leave you, but it can leave you hope and a little light.