The First Night

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I didn't realize I hadn't posted this part and I am very sorry. I'll try and do better with finishing and posting the chapters. I hope you enjoy! 

Girl's Room, 1

Lucy was almost done with her packing when Yukino got out of the shower. She was wearing a nice blue night shirt and quickly curled up in her bed. Lucy finished and took a quick shower before doing the same.

"I can't believe we're actually on a vacation." Lucy was scribbling notes in her notebook when she spoke up.

"Me neither, and we get to spend it on an island with everyone!"

"Well yeah, but I don't believe it. I think something's up. Hey, was Sting acting weird at all after the meeting?" Yukino looked at her and thought it over.

"Well, yes actually. He was a little weird, Why do you ask?"

"Laxus was the same. In fact, he was sulking until we got here." That earned a small "hmm" noise and Lucy wrote down a few more notes.

"What are you writing?"

"Notes. Half about what's going on here and half about a story I may write." Yukino got out of bed and looked at the notes. Lucy quickly hid them, but Yukino saw the only thing that mattered.

"Lucy+? Who is that plus?" Lucy just blushed and tore the page out before throwing it away. It was quiet for a while, before Lucy sighed and looked at Yukino.

"Sting." With that she turned around and went to sleep. Yukino couldn't help but smile and soon joined her friend.

Boy's Room 1

"Tomorrow can I go sleep with Lucy-kun and Yukino-kun?" Lector looked up at Sting who just smiled and nodded. Of course, Fro asked right after getting the same answer.

"I could use a break from sharing the bed too."

"That's not funny." Lector pouted as he got into the bed. Fro was already fast asleep and Rogue went into the bathroom for a shower. When he came out Sting was looking out the window, which seemed a little weird.

"What happened at the meeting?" Sting sighed.

"We'll find out tomorrow I think. I'm not allowed to say and I'm going to bed." He joined Lector and was fast asleep. Rogue only shook his head before doing the same.

Girl's Room 2

"Let's go swimming tomorrow! I hear they have a pool here too and a spa."

"That sounds nice. I heard that was unisex though." Wendy really didn't want to be in a towel around the other guildmates.

"It's both. It's three different areas. We can go into the female one if you want." Chelia smiled as she walked out of the room in a towel. Wendy nodded and smiled.

"Tomorrow is going to be so much fun." They both giggled and soon they were chatting about the next day and soon fell asleep sharing the same bed. Carla just smiled and slept on the other bed.

Boy's Room 2

Romeo and Eve didn't know each other. One was twenty-three and the other was thirteen. One was fire and the other ice. They even had opposite hair colors. So, when they were paired into the same room they just watched each other for the first hour.

"You're one of the Trimen right?" Romeo decided to break the silence and looked to say the right thing. Eve smiled and nodded.

"Now I am. I used to be a Rune Knight."

"Wow, really? Like Gajeel and Levy?"

"Yeah, though I was still a trainee. They were actually knights. I was too inexperienced to be one." He smiled shyly and Romeo nodded in agreement.

"I remember hearing about you fight. You wouldn't have made it as a knight. You were and are a really good fighter. I mean you fought Rufus really well."

"Thanks. I think you're a pretty good fighter too." Eve yawned."I think we should get to bed soon. It's supposed to be a long day tomorrow." Romeo nodded and they soon fell asleep.

Girl's Room 3

Meredy and Angel fell asleep right away after unpacking.

Girl's Room 4

"So, you're not really good at magic?" Kinana just shrugged.

"I'm still learning. I started a year ago actually and Mira said I improved a lot." Minerva nodded.

"Okay, well if you want I can help teach you a few spells of my magic too. If you're still choosing a magic it's better to know more spells. Plus, my magic is better than transformation."

"That sounds nice." Kinana smiled and went into the bathroom to shower. Minerva smiled and laid down to go to sleep.

Boy's Room 3

Laxus was still sulking and Freed was taking a shower. That meant Bickslow had his chance to see what was wrong with his boss. He got closer and ignored the slight sparks when Laxus saw him.

"So boss, what's up?" He just glared at him and soon Freed came out and rolled his eyes.

"He's been like this for days now. Do you really think it will change now?" Laxus just got into the bed and fell asleep. "Twenty seconds."

"That's a new record for him. I guess I'll ask more tomorrow." Bickslow climbed into bed ignoring his teammate's glare.

Boy's Room 4

"I want that bed!"

"Why should you choose?"

"Please, calm down!" Pantherlily had been trying to calm the two boys for twenty minutes now. Happy was just watching and eating a fish he had brought. Soon, the two started fist fighting and Natus was thrown out of the room.

He hit something and looked down to see Gray underneath him. Gray just punched him and got up in time to get it by an ice tiger. He flew back and glared at Natsu.

"You cost me a point flamebrain!"

"A point?" Gray pointed to a grinning Lyon.

"If he hits me I lose a point. I'm down to eleven now." He soon made a lance and attacked Natsu with it, though he just threw fire at it. Soon, Lyon and Gajeel joined in and a few of the other boys came out. The girls slowly did the same and soon the four wizards were surrounded by Erza, Mirajane, and Laxus-who was sparking with annoyance.

"Boys!" They all stopped and Lyon quickly went to the rest of the boys, who were already backing up.

"Scaredy-cat!" Erza hit Gray in the head and he was out instantly. She looked at Natsu and Gajeel, who looked scared.

"Now, I don't want to see you fighting anymore. Do you hear me?"

"Aye." They both said this and soon Erza nodded and left with the girls. Soon, the crowd left and everyone went into the own rooms.

Cana and Bacchus were watching from the roof of their house. Bacchus was laughing while Cana just sighed.

"The boys are you're job." Bacchus finished his beer and shrugged. "Okay, it was funny." He smiled and grabbed the other mug as did she.

"Can't wait until tomorrow night."

"Better make sure you're at your best at Midnight. You'll need to be."

"You know, you have two slayers on your team too."

"They aren't exactly violent. They won't be that bad. I also have the mates by the way. We just better work as a team." They both agreed and spent the rest of the night drinking.  

I will try and post every two weeks. I've set up my own little schedule for all my stories both on here and my ao3. I'm also going to do requests so just message me and I'll try and do the story ^-^ I'll do any ship too c:

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