Where's Elsa

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Elsa's prov
I wake up to my alarm. Today is Sunday. I am going to just stay home. I go down stairs and see Anna eating pancakes. "Well I see you are up early." I say. Usually I have to wake her up. "Well, there's a first for everything." She says with pancake in her mouth. "Oh, Bella and I are going to the movies today. Is that okay?" Anna asks me. "Sure, and tell Bella I said hi." I tell her. Then she calls Bella and she leaves. Well, I guess I am by myself. I go to the couch to watch T.V. Then my phone rings. It was Jack.
Jack: Hay Snowflake

Me: Hay my Guardian

Jack: Would you like to go on a date with me?

Me: Of course

Jack: Okay, meet me at Denny's at 6 (sorry, I couldn't think of anything else)

Me: okay, see you then.
Then I start to get ready. Then my phone rings again. This time it was a unknow number.
?: I'm here
It said. Who was it. Then I black out with a pain in my head.

Jack's prov
It is 6:30 and Elsa isn't here yet. I am going to ask her to prom. I text her to see where she is. No answer. I text Anna and she is out with Bella. I start to get worried. I drive to Elsa's house and she the door is wide opened. I run in and she it is dark. I go upstairs and see Elsa's phone on the floor. I turn it on and her messages were on. The last text was from a unknow number saying "I here". The one question I have is, WHERE'S ELSA?

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