PROLOGUE - The Return

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To strive for perfection, means to reach for the impossible ~ Mike (Shane)


It was late, very late into the night. Maybe.... It was morning. It's days like these where Kodachi would wonder too himself why he'd even bother. He was sent on yet another mission, by His Majesty, The King.

Kodachi was annoyed, he just wanted to be at home, and sometimes, he messed up his job when he felt like this. This isn't how Kodachi is however. He is usually much more collected never questioning the throne. He was raised by His Majesty King Aru.

He had sworn to protect them, to repay the King for what he did. The problem he had with this mission was that it wasn't his thing, he wasn't trained for this. Kodachi pressed his back against the wall, his jet black hair flowing in the cool early morning breeze. He sighed heavily, "Why do I even bother? It's not like I'm going to get any information out of thi... What's that sound?"

There was a sound in the distance. Growing louder, but still faint. Kodachi peeped out from his position to see what was the source. There were two guards on patrol, heading towards a fountain, that stood at the centre. The fountain had a statue of a mermaid with a jar throwing water out.

Kodachi was sent to gather information, with a possible war developing on the border, there needed to be a spy who could survey the situation and deal with it appropriately. Although Kodachi wasn't good at spy missions, he was the only person who would be able to handle the situation should he fail.

The guards stopped at the fountain, washed their face, then began in a conversation.

"Hey Gawain! Did you hear?!"

"What? What happened? Gareth, if you tell me something stupid I swear.."

Kodachi listened attentively, he was ready for any information that could be given out. "This could be it, he seems like he's ready to say something important."

Gareth continued, "Mary's pregnant!!!"

There was silence for a bit. "I can't believe I thought that was important. But I guess these people have lives too."

Gawain shocked to the core replied, ".... Mary? You actually got a girl pregnant?"

Gareth smiled and nodded, "I'm gonna be a dad!"

He stopped smiling, and looked down at his reflection in the fountain. "Assuming I survive... that is."
A cold air entered the room as if Death had come for them. Gawain sighed, patting him on the back. "Yeah, it's tough to know you're going to be a dad, when you're about to be deployed on a suicide mission."

Kodachi pressed himself against the wall even harder to try to listen closely.

"Isn't Aru the homeland of the legendary swordsman? What are we going to do?" Gareth asked.

"I don't know, King Verun wants us to attack them. Heck, I just finished writing up my farewell letter before my shift."

"So... They are planning to attack after all. Now, here comes the depressing part. If they are planning an attack like that... then reduction in military strength is the most logical thing to do here... forgive me."

Gareth took up some of the water in his hands and washed his face. When he looked around, Gawain was missing. "Gawain! Where are you!?"

Gareth looked around, scared and puzzled. A pair of amber eyes appeared from the shadows, and reached for Gareth's neck, giving a clean cut.

Kodachi proceeded to other parts of the castle courtyard, and removed some of the stationed guards, but not all of them. Too much would seem like an act of war.

Kodachi didn't like the idea of killing. But he knew there was no other way to go around it. Some people had to die, and some had to live.


Three days have passed, and Kodachi had finished his mission and crossed back over into Arunar territory and arrived at Arunar Castle Town. Before he headed to the castle, he decided to return to his home, on the east side of the village, to see his best friend, whom he shared a home with, as he was not home often. After making his way through the marketplace and to his yard, he looked up at the log cabin. He walked up to the door and knocked on the door in his usual fashion... Five knocks and end with a kick. The door flew open.

"Arthur my bro! What's up!"

Arthur was lying on the ground, as he fell down, half naked, as if he was in the middle of something that no one should've walked in on. "Damn it man! Gave me a heart attack! Why are you here!?"

"Damn man, I'm hurt, is that how you welcome me? Then again... I don't think I want a hug while you're wearing... yeah."

Arthur sighed. "I was expecting this girl to come over... She had raven hair dude! You should've seen her!"

"You mean Ashley? I just saw her at the marketplace. I was talking to her and learnt about her there. She said she had some guy she was looking for. Then she ran up to this muscular dude and kissed him"

"... You mean... She's not into me?"

Kodachi burst out into laughter. Arthur was embarrassed. "Have you been to the King yet?"

Kodachi stopped laughing, "No I haven't... In fact I'm going right now."

Arthur told Kodachi he'd be coming along, drew on some formal wear and went with him to the castle. The castle guards spotted him from a distance, cleared his path, and saluted him, on his entry
to the castle. Every guard stood at attention.

As he stepped past each guard, they knelt down in unison. He arrived in the audience chamber, where the King was to address him. "Kodachi. You have returned!"

Arthur went to the side, while the King addressed Kodachi.

"I have, my liege."

"Stand up and tell me what you have learnt." King Aru commanded him.

"There's nothing to report sir. There was a plan to have the Verun army march into our border town of Kol and seize it as an army stronghold to plot a war against you, but I reduced their numbers so that it was impossible."

The guards at attendance were amazed. They started to whisper among themselves.

"Great work Kodachi. With that, I guess we can rest easy for a while. But just as a precaution, I'll be dispatching thirty soldiers to that town to guard it." King Aru said.

"That would be wise sir." Kodachi smiled. "Well, I'll be taking my leave now. If you need me, you know where to find me, sir."

He nodded at Arthur, and turned his back to the king, and walked out.

"It's a good thing we have Kodachi around, otherwise we'd be six feet under by now."

Arthur scratched his head, his chestnut hair flowing in the wind. "It's gotten dark huh?"

Kodachi smiled. "No worries. Let's dine out tonight."

Arthur nodded and they proceeded to their favourite restaurant in town, to have a good time.


*Knock* *Knock*

"No one's answering dad..."

"Let's go dear."

"Aw, what a shame, he was such a cute guy too."

"C'mon Ashley lets go home"

She walked off with the familiar muscular dude from before.

"Alright, dad."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2016 ⏰

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