Long time no see!

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I couldn't believe she out of all the billion people in this world was standing at the door of my apartment. Even more so that she chose two-thirty in the morning to show up.

Just as I remembered she had the biggest smile plastered on to her face, her ginger hair and beaming blue eyes clashed well with her blue sundress with a white jean jacket and a pair of brown gladiator shoes. Thrown over her shoulder was a small stay the night bag indicating she was planing to stay for a few days.

"Mel! It's been a while!" She grinned flying at me for a hug.

"Eh, Joyce? What are you doing here?" I asked super confused, Joyce lived in California, and I lived all the way in Virginia.

"Why to see you cutie!" She winked and stuck out her tongue out at me and bounced her way into my small apartment.

"And you chose two-thirty because...?" I muttered unhappy that I had been woken up.

"Well, that when my plane landed, and I don't wanna get a hotel so I decided to stay here!" She smiled back at me with a sort of look that said 'And I'm not gonna leave anytime soon'.

"Do what you will, but could we talk in the morning, I'm pretty beat and I've got work tomorrow." I yawned, I could practically hear my bed calling me to come back.

"Okie! So who gets the bed?!" She smirked as I blinked at her before glaring.

"Oh, so you want my bed now..." I mumbled before plopping down on the couch unhappily, far to tired to fight with her or grab a blanket.

I didn't hear her for a while before I felt a blanket being put over me, Since Joyce was ten years older than me she took the roll of 'mother', it was worst when I was younger. And when she signed the papers to be my legal guardian she was beyond happy.

It wasn't long before I fell asleep on my uncomfortable couch which would probably give me back pain tomorrow.

It took me a while to feel the vibration in my pocket, my first thought was, 'I'm gonna kill who ever was calling me.' Once I pulled out my phone I realized it was my alarm for 5:00, I had to get up and get ready for work and school.

Harshly, I pulled myself of the couch and stood up, quickly regretting it as I felt dizzy and sat back down. Calmly I stood up and walk to my bed room slightly forgetting my guest. Quietly I went over to my dresser and grabbed some clothes talking a side glance at Joyce.

Slowly and sleepily I manage to make my way to the small bathroom. I sat my clothes on the toilet and grabbed a light gray and dark gray towel from the cabinet under the sink. I then opened to shower and started to mess with the water temperature, deciding on a semi cold shower to help me fully wake up.

As soon as the water was to where I wanted it, I striped out of my clothes from the day before, I guess I was so tired I didn't even bother changing out of my gray colored jeans or my sleeveless black button up shirt.

After a very cold shower my nerves were ready to go I quickly put my wet dark brown shoulder length hair into a small pony tail before getting dressed in a par of dark blue jeans and a white tee-shirt with the words 'IDIOT'S GONNA IDIOT' written in black letters. I dumped my dirty clothes in the laundry basket and made my way to the kitchen. I went right over to the counter and made a pot of coffee, after pouring myself a cup, cream with a dash of coffee, I walked off to find my shoes, Book bag, wallet, etc.

After spending 5 minutes looking for my shoes I finally found them...In my potted plant..I couldn't help but sigh at myself and laugh a little, Checking the clock I threw on my shoes and took a long sip of my coffee. '5:30' It's bright red numbers read off my stove. Walking off I grabbed other things I would needed, stuffing a few of my study books into my bag; after I finished I once again remembered my guest.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2015 ⏰

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