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~Toby POV~
He stared at the scars on Y/Ns wrists and forearms
'How could a beautiful being like her do this to herself' He thought as he gently took her arm, as if she were porcelain. He bent his head down, noticing the blush the spread across her cheeks as he pressed a kiss to the faint marks. After a moment he pulled away and looked at her

"Promise me you won't ever do this again..." He murmured as he tilted your chin up lightly with his hand.

~Your POV~
You nodded, agreeing to his request. You watched as he then smiled and pulled you close, pressing a soft quick kiss to your lips. Your blush darkened a shade as you looked down, hearing a small chuckle come from him as a snap, followed by a zipping noise followed suit. You looked up to see he had put his goggles and mask back on

"I'll be back tomorrow morning okay?" His voice was muffled slightly. You nodded and stood up as he hopped out the window, closing it shut behind him. You stood there before grinning like an idiot and hopping around as internally fangirled from the precious moment.
"Y/N WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING UP" you heard your mother yelled. You froze "shitshitshit" you jumped into your bed and covered up just as she walked in

"You useless piece of shit, it's 3 am!" She snapped, her hair wild from sleep

"I-I'm sorry, I had a nightmare and I fell out of the bed" you lied. She narrowed her eyes
"Whatever, don't do it again" and with that she slammed the door. You sighed and curled up
At least that wasn't as bad as it usually is you thought to yourself as you drifted asleep
//sorry for the short chapter guys\\

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