Meeting The Guy With Fire Hair.

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"Look at all of those stars, look how they shine for you, you will never be along, never" she whispered to Allen. Her breaths jagged and short, pain creeping through her face, she hid it with a smile. Allen took her hands, her ice cold hands into his.

 "No, don't leave me, you can't, you promised me you wouldn't!" he shouted to her as she drew her last breath "do not worry Allen, you are strong you will figure it out" then silence, nothing. He let go of her hands and stood up, leaving a trail of tears that slipped down his face with such graceful ease. "No" he let out a muffled sob "no." Tears rushed down his face shining in the moonlight. He stood there waiting for nothing, when had collected himself he went back into the room and picked up her limp body, his face blank.

He walked to the fire he had started outside the shack where she had died. The boy placed her body on a bed of sticks and watched the flames devour her, ashes and smoke mixing together for one final stand against the wind. The boy looked up at the stars "they do not shine for me, they shone for you, and I'm nothing more than a coward who can't do anything, Elena forgive me." Allen started to walk off, his moonlight hair messed up by the wind and his blue eyes puffy and red.

Then something shot through the air and dug into his shoulder, he screamed in agony and collapsed onto the wet ground. A black coated man walked out of the trees in to the clearing, "so this is where you have been hiding, nice place for a funeral" he gave Allen a wicked smile.

The man, whose faces was shadowed by his cloak picked up a beautiful shining dagger from his belt and stabbed the boy in the back, leaving him to die. Allen screamed but couldn't do anything for his body had become like lead, poison. "The king will be happy," the man said walking of back into the forest where he came from. Allen's vision went blurry, a hand outstretched towards the fire that burned in the now silent night "Elena" he muttered. He closed his eyes and did not awake.


"The ice is burning!" a girl screamed, "monster," another. A group of villages surrounded the young boy whose face was filled with horror. "Kill him," the villages all said together. Their faces of anger blurring together. The young boy griped his hair looking down at the cobbled road, his whole body trembling. "Kill him," they shouted again and again.

 "Stop it!" the boy shouted and a blast of ice coated the villages, burning them. "Kill him," they muttered again. Their burning skin doing nothing to stop them repeating the words. "Help!" the boy screamed. Everything then went silent and the villages disappeared, the boy was now strapped down onto a table. He pulled desperately to try and get his hands and feet lose. But he couldn't get free. The door at the end of the dungeon type room began to open.

A tall man came into the room holding a syringe, he was wearing a black coat that fell to his ankles and a black old hat that covered his face in shadows. He came up to the boy and griped his arm tightly turning it over and stabbing him in the crock of his arm. The boy screamed sweat gleaming on his forehead. A blue light flashed through his veins. "Do not worry this will fix you," the man gave the boy a wide grin only just visible through the shadows.

The kid bit his lip. Fire burning from within his body. Tears rushed down his face, his brown eyes turning to a sapphire blue and his hazel hair turning white, the man walked out of the room smiling to himself "it worked, subject 7 was a success." Suddenly everything went blank and the young boy fell into the abyss.

Allen was jolted awake by bolt of pain through his body, sweat covering his face and making his clothes stick to his skin. "What the-"he started to shout when a young man put up his hand. "Please shut up and listen." The guy sitting across the room muttered, making it obvious he wasn't interested in talking to Allen.

"Firstly, be welcome that I saved your ass," He pointed to his spine, giving Allen a wry smile "secondly, you have to pay the price, you will become mine," A smirk came across the man's face. Allen frowned, "how did you save me, I swear I-" the man cut him off again, "that doesn't matter, all that matters is the fact you are alive because of me," his smile went "I was starting to lose interest in my servants, why not add another- interesting one."

 Allen growled, "First off stop cutting me off every time I start to talk, secondly nobody owns me. I will be leaving now." He hissed at the man who looked about his age, maybe 17. The man laughed, his face bright red, like Allen had said the funniest thing in the world. He ran his hand through his bright red hair.

Red like autumn lives on a cold windy day. His piercing orange eyes locked onto Allen's "You're a keeper" he tried to keep a straight face but failed miserly as he started into another laughing fit "I give up I can't keep this act up any longer." Allen went to get off the clean white sheets of what looked like to be a hospital bed. Oh how he hated hospitals. "Hold up, you shouldn't be moving yet, don't worry I don't want to own your sorry ass, I was just joking, wanted to know how you would react." The man sighed and relaxed his shoulders giving the room a more carefree feeling unlike before.

 Allen rolled his eyes "well great acting, who are you and why are you still here?" Allen asked, giving the man a confused and a slightly pissed off look. "My name is Leon and I'm here because of you. My master is looking for some unusual help and thinks you might be able to." Allen's confused look didn't fade. "What does your master want from me?" Leon fiddled with his fingers, unlike Allen he was brood and tall, his skin was a light caramel colour.

 He was alright looking but didn't have anything that stood out about him except his unusual hair and eyes. He gave Allen a goofy look "no idea, but we should get going, trust me you don't want to piss off my master." He got up his black tunic falling to his hips, he walked over to Allen and held out his hand, "are you coming or are you just going to keep running from the king's pet dog, because you won't last very long the way you are now."

He smiled lazily, Allen returned the lazy smile "I have never been good at running." "Good," Leon replied. Of course Allen wasn't that stupid to trust the first person he meets after waking up. But curiosity took over and he gave in. He will be able to slip out of their sight if anything happens, now he was good at that.

They exited the small clinic onto the cobbled road with lots of little stands. Leon walk slow to match Allen's tiresome walk, he talked about lots of things, like where they are, what stands sell the best food and a lot of other things. It wasn't that Allen wasn't interested in what Leon had to say, and it wasn't that Allen hadn't seen the world before but this little town was beautiful.

He took in every little detail of his surroundings, sounds of laughter, and smells of bakeries. His smile grew, "it's an amazing little place isn't?" Leon said, startling Allen. "Yeah, it is." After that Leon didn't say anything knowing that Allen was already getting entertained by the city, he just kept walking to show Allen the way. "Hey, how did you find me?" Leon look up at the brilliant blue sky, "It's a long story, and luckily we have time."

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