Ella: The girl who can heal the most deadliest wounds.

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Ella coming rushing down the cobbled path looking desperately for Leon. She was breathing heavily and couldn't form any words to shout. No, no Natalee said tomorrow not tonight I have to find Leon, I can't fight by myself. That kid is going to die if I don't find Leon, Ella thought to herself. Terrible images formed in her head. No stop thinking like that Ella. She stopped and tried to catch her breath. "Leon, help I think I found him!" Ella shouted. No answer. She was quick on her feet so all this running wasn't so much of a problem, it was just she hadn't done so much running in a long time. She bit her lip and tried to stop the tears that were gliding down her face.

 "Leon," she shouted, dragging his name out. "Why can't I find my anywhere, where the hell did he go," the words came out in a rough whisper. She started running again, tears blurring her vision. She turned a sharp corner her eyes followed around to see some boxes, she  jumped over them but landed badly on her knee. Ella laid there for a few moments covering her eyes with her left arm, trying to calm herself down. She sat up and put a hand over her knee. "From the ten saints above who gave me aid, let me heal all that defeats the sinners." Her short brown hair brushed along her jaw line. Her purple cat eyes glowed a light purple, silver colour.

Her knee started to heal. A few moments later she was running again. She ran past an inn that had loud shouting which suggest a fight had broken out. She narrowed her eyes on something dark on the path, red paint? "Blood," she cursed. Ella saw the dead maid. She put a hand over her mouth. She squeezed her eyes shut then opened them. She ran past the fallen maid, "Leon, where are you," please let him be around here she thought to herself. "Ella?" Leon whispered from an ally way further up. She ran into the ally.

She sighed in relief. "The kid he is here now, I saw Legon and I ran I was scared Leon, Legon look furious and I didn't know what to do." She gasped for breath and looked up at Leon who had a very confused face "What" he replied. Ella took a deep breath "follow me and hurry." Ella ran back from where she came from, pulling on Leon's hand to make hurry up. "Okay, I'm not used to so much running" Leon snapped. Ella let go and glared at him then her expression turned grave. "Did you here that?" She whispered looking at Leon. "Hear what-"Ella cut him off by putting her hand over his mouth, she was very tall so she didn't have any trouble looking over Leon's shoulder. "The king will be happy," Ella's eyes went wide "Leon that's-"before she could finish what she was saying Leon had already taken off running through the forest. Ella took off after him. "You don't have a problem with your running now do you, you idiot."

Leon ran into the clearing looking for Legon. He bit the inside of his cheek and swore under his breath. He was about to take off again when Ella coming rushing through, he was breathing heavily but somehow Ella was fine. "No Leon we must look for the kid first," she narrowed her eyes, she had a habit of doing that but she did have better eye sight then most. "Look, by that fire do you see that?" Ella looked at him waiting for him to give a response, he sighed "Ella I can't see that far," She gave a small smile "right sorry come on it might be that kid." Ella ran over to the fire.

Leon looked over to where he thought Legon might have ran off too. "No," Ella screamed. Her scream snapped him out of his daze. He ran over to her "from the ten saints about who give me aid, let me heal this poor victim of which has been poorly judged by evil." She put her small hands over the boys head. Her magic was the most exciting to watch. She and the young boy's body glowed purple. His cuts and buries started to disappear.

A black liquid started to come out of he's mouth. "What's that," Leon asked. "It's poison, now be quite this will take some time, he is badly injured, he is nearly dead." She hissed at him. He glared at her, she returned it. "People wouldn't even think you were crying two seconds ago," She laughed "I was crying for the boy not for the situation and I couldn't help him because Legon is a lot stronger than me." Leon took a step back. "Right," he laughed nervously. "Don't you dear go after him, we must look after this boy first.

"And we dragged your body back to that clinic where Ella healed you a little more." Leon chuckled. Allen looked up at Leon. "So where is Ella I want to thank her for saving my life." He looked around like she might be their next to them without him noticing. "She went last night, don't worry you can thank her when we get back," Leon replied. Leon walked down a dirt road. It took them another hour until they reached the manor. "This is where you guys live?" Allen asked, if your mouth could drop to the ground Allen's just did.

"Yup, come on lets go and greet Mason," Leon said laughing, Allen just nodded and walked after Leon. "Kept close this place is huge, when I was six I got lost, they didn't find me until 3 hours later," Leon said laughing at the memory only he could see, Allen laughed as well, "I can see you still getting lost." Leon looked down at Allen. Allen immediately looked away and slightly shifted away from Leon like he was expecting to get hit for insulting him. What happened in his past Leon wondered? "I think I have found my new best friend, I like you Allen." Allen looked up his eyes that were clouded with pain and suffering slowly cleared, Allen smiled and playfully hit Leon in the shoulder.

They walked into the manor. They were greeted by two butlers. They followed Allen and Leon until they got to a big double door. "This place is beautiful," Allen whispered Leon chuckled "I know right, wait until you see the training room." One of the butlers opened the door while the other one kept walking. "Once you are finished sir, I can take you to your room." The butler said to Allen. Allen just nodded. The butler started to walk off when Allen started to talk to him again, "excuse me but after I have finished can you take me to a girl called Ella I wish to thank her for saving my life?" The butler turned around and gave a small smile "of course sir." With that the butler left, Leon knocked on the doors. "Come in," Mason said. "Take a seat both of you," Mason said waving his right hand around indicating they can sit.

 Allen sat on the seat to Masons left. Leon took the right. "Hello Allen welcome to the Manor, I hope Ella and Leon have treated you well?" Mason picked up a piece of paper. Masons maroon hair fell in front of his face, he brushed it back with a scared hand. He shifted his apple green eyes on Allen. "You are a stray, I save strays. Strays are slightly different to mages, they have magic but they have to rely on god to give them the magic. It comes naturally to them, they do not need to learn. Strays are on a completely different magic level then mages." Masons eyes didn't shift. Allen Just nodded to say he understood. "They king for some reason is killing them, so that's why I save them and that's how they got their nickname. See a lot of their family's got killed because they have the same blood as them even though they might not have the same power so a lot of the strays went AWOL they were like" Mason paused for effect, "they were like strays."

Mason laughed got up and walked over to his massive bookcase. He ran his index finger along the books until he came across the r's. He took out a few and gave them to Allen. "We believe you are a stray, so I want you to read about them, read those books in three days then come and see me and we will start your training." Mason moved his hand to Allen silently saying he can leave. Allen hesitated and looked at Leon. Mason chuckled "Leon, after you have showed the newbie around write up the  report." Leon got up and walked to the door. "Bye Mason," Leon said, Allen repeated Leon's words and walked after Leon.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2015 ⏰

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