The scale,

9 0 0

*BEEP* that's ringing in my head. I can't figure it out! I'm falling. I know that much. It's like I'm not in control! I'm not far from the ground. The cold, hard, ground.. Maybe this is a good thing.. And then everything changes.. I'm being shook! Oh... It was all a dream..

" Get up! You have to make me breakfast! Your so damn worthless!" My Mother shouted.

" I'm up! I'm up!"I responded.

"Your lucky I don't tell your father you slept in late."

She's in her usual, sweat pants, baggy T-shirt with some holes. Nasty hair, bad breath. And everything else.

I roll out of bed. Like every day. Except today I'm 10 minutes later then usual. It's 6:13, I walk down the hall way. The floor boards creek below me in our 67 year old house. I walk down the steps, I feeling dizzy. Again, like usual.

I make pancakes for my Mother and Father. I have to call them that, or my mom.. Oops, Mother*, hits me. It's not all the time; but at least once a week. For getting a 96.3% or lower on a test. Or like getting a text from a boy. I try and tell her it's not my fault, but she trying to explain that I would have to give them my number for them to text me. Or when I get to much food at lunch, but that hasn't been a problem for about 2 months now.

The smell of the pancakes cooking makes me feel, like i want to just cram them down my throat and just keep eating.. But it also makes me feel..horrible.. I shouldn't feel like this. I repeat in my head, you hate eating, you hate eating. You.. Hate.. Eating.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2013 ⏰

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