Meeting the Raptors

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      I wake up to the sound of the boats horn blaring and then the intercom come on with the captain's voice. "Ladies and gentlemen, we are now arriving at Isla Nublar. Home of Jurassic World."the captain says and signs off.
      I get up, stretch, and grab my things. As I get off the boat, Clair sat there in her 2016 Mercedes-Benz GLA AMG. I get in and we shake hands before we head over to where I will now work. As we drive I look at the incredible sites of Jurassic World, baffled by how much there was. The car then comes to a stop as we arrive at the Velociraptor habitat and training center. I get out and I man wearing jeans and a beige vest. He shakes my hand. "New guy huh?"he asks.
       I nod a but nervously but he just smiles. "Well good luck cause you may need it."he lets go of my head and Leads me to where the raptors are. As I look into the raptor pen on the walk way the hang above the pen, I see four raptors, all females. One was a green raptor with a few black thin strips that you could only just make out. Her name was Charlie. The second was brown with great stripes on her back and was named Echo. The third was sorta of a greenish color and was named Delta. And finally the last one was a grayish color with blue striped looking details that went from her tail to her head. Her name was Blue and she was the beta. "Who's the alpha?"I asked looking at the man.
        "I am,"he replies and looks at the raptors. "By the way my name is Owen Grady."
        "Hi,"I reply looking at the raptors. I then notice that one Blue was watching me and I look at Owen. "Um why is she........"
        Owen noticed this and looks puzzled. "I'm not sure. I guess we'll find out sooner or later huh?"he replies just as curiously as me.
       I just nod in response and we turn to leave as the one raptor continues to watch. 'Boy this is gonna be a weird job,'I think as Owen walks me over to where the car I would be using was.

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