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"Hey Hayley?" I asked over-casually as we walked into training one evening. "Do you by any chance have a picture of Morgan in the pack?"

Hayley stiffened at the mention of Morgan's name. "You really wanna see?" She looked up from her phone and raised her eyebrows at me suspiciously.

"Yeah," I nodded vigorously. "Do you have one?"

My brunette best friend squinted at me, trying to make out my intention, but finally gave up as I averted my eyes.

"There'll be one in the records," Hayley sighed. "We can ask the librarian, Mrs. Fallon."

"Thanks!" I perked up and gave her a quick hug before tugging her hand and hurrying in the direction of the library. "Now walk faster, I need to see that picture now!"

"Slow down!" Hayley groaned loudly. "Some of us poor mortals don't have supernatural powers, do we?"

I grinned at her and pretended to blush and shy away. Hayley laughed, smacking my arm before walking with me towards the library.

• • •

Morgan was gorgeous.

No really, she was a beautiful Omega. Shoulder-length black hair, bright blue eyes, and an eyebrow piercing... like the female version of Alpha Cole. I could cry.

They both looked perfect together.

"This is ridiculous!" I cry, throwing the photo down. "She's like a Vogue model and Alpha's like an Apollo model and they're perfect together and I so want to ship them together but its complicated because he's supposed to be my mate!"

"You want to ship them together?" Hayley asked me incredulously.

"Yes!" I cried, throwing my hands up. "Look! They're the perfect couple to flood Tumblr! Do you even know how many likes and followers I'll get if I started this ship? I could start a new fandom!"


"Hold on," I said suddenly. "Morgan's dead."

"No shit, Sherlock."

"That was so inconsiderate of me!" I cried again, going red. "Oh my gosh, I'm sorry!"

"Its okay-"

"I just tried to ship a ship that's not even fully alive!" I wailed.

"Why am I even here-"

"I'm so stupid!"

"Got that right..."

"Woe is me!"

"Jesus..." Hayley pinched the bridge of her nose and gave me an exasperated look. "Did you just quote Shakespeare or something? You're so weird."

"I know."

"You're probably the only girl who wants to ship her soulmate and his ex together."

"Tell me something I don't know."

"Yeah, I'll tell you something you don't know," Hayley told me firmly, snatching the photo from my hands and putting it away. "You're stunning and beautiful and gorgeous, even more than Morgan, and that's saying something cause she was enchanting. But you know what? You're even more talented and pretty and funny and daring than she is, and Alpha Cole needs somebody like that as his life partner. Somebody bold enough to occasionally pull him to the ground, challenge him. He's not an Alpha who needs an Omega. He needs somebody different. Like you."

I blinked at her, mouth falling open slightly, before saying slowly, "Uh... I told you to tell me something I don't know."

Hayley looked at me in confusion. "Huh?"

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