Luchia: She-Devil

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"Is everything alright Milady?"

a purring silky voice lulled me away from my deep trance. I shift my gaze from the window to the owner of the voice. A tall young-looking man clad in black meet my eyes. Sebastian, his name is a servant of mine, his perfectly placed raven hair and a pair of crimson eyes with little specks of purple watch me in curiosity. I just look at him, pondering about something. He resume what he was doing a while ago, pouring my lavender teacup an Earl Gray tea, it's quite famous in the upper class society of the human realm, though I'd rather have blueberry tea, I dismiss the thought immediately.

"I wonder?.."

I said out of the long silence, my golden eyes still held his appearance in utter amusement. His handsome face gave me the look of patience to what I will say. My gaze shifted back to my open window, from here, I can see the perfectly 'white' vast of snow....

it's already winter in this place, a cold season-a chuckle escape my lips when I felt the slight movement of a door in the Underworld. I muse when I learn who' it was, anyway...

"why does a Pureblood serving a She-Devil?"

( meet Luchia Keiririn, a She-Devil curretly residing in the human realm, together with her ever loyal Pureblood Vampire, Sebastian Mikhaelis. About 5 or so years ago, Luchia managed to visit once again the place of the living without her chivaliers accompanying her for the first time and encountered a soulless being without a hint of humanity, a vampire- a Pureblood vampire. 0n which had taken a liking in serving her, a She-Devil in a form of a teen girl with long lavender hair and a pair of pure golden eyes that glows every single time)

"perhaps because the She-Devil is an angel in disguise"

Sebastian's response made me think that he, is indeed insane. I shake my head in disbelief .. me? an angel? pfft...! that is absurd, though Purebloods were look up like "god" in the human world. hmm, and considering a "god" is serving me at this very moment not to mention, in the world of the living... how fascinating, how very fascinating indeed.
A knock on the door sounded in my peaceful study, I swiftly nod at my vampire butler and he open the door only to reveal a woman with long blond hair and black eyes twinkling in mischief (the kind of mischief that usually ended in me being annoyed) a sigh escape me

"Regina what a surprise"

I greeted her dully because I'm far from surprise.

"Lady Kei! oh! how we miss you!"

she chirped brightly like a lovesick fangirl which I guess she is. She occupied the chair opposite the desk in between us. We were currently in my study room, a place in my manor where I'm usually spending my time at. Regina flickered her hand and a gust of black flames appeared in her fingers molding pieces of paper in a form oe an envelope, A letter with intricate designs covering the blackened paper with different shades of color.
"so, Milady Shana sent this for you Lady Kei"

She handed me the sealed envelope. Sebastian went behind me and help me break the sealed paper.

"we really miss you Lady Kei, especially Milady Shana and not to mention Luci-"

I shot her a cold glare making her stop talking abruptly. I open the envelope

Dearest Kei,

I know you love peace and quiet but I also know that youre bored and want to engage in something interesting... I hereby suggest for you to attend the Cross Academy (-as ridiculous as it sound-) is a school for humans and night-dwellers (oh gosh! Im laughing hard!.. o0ps sorry~) anyway, If your so up to it, go visit that place since you have that Pureblood Vampire around, it ought be a good waste of time.

~tick! tock!~ take care !!

Your Lovely Godmother: Shana

the printed words of the letter is moving. No kidding. The colorful blank page of the paper is alighted with different shades of color. What's worse above all is that the next page of the paper held my picture, me wearing my silver corset with elaborate design and a pair of  red fluffy ears and blond cat hair placed at both my cheeks. My eye twitch, once then twice. My aunt is a nutcrack. She's blessed that she's not here or else...

(Lady Shanarea Vladvmirt is the acting chief of the first up until the seventh continent of the Underworld, while the rest remaining continents were lead by different eccentric beings.) I glance at her favourite servant Regina, a 2nd class demon. The image of my butler caught my eye making me twitch for the 3rd time. His passive posture is a great contradiction to what his crimson orbs portrayed-his inner self is dancing with absolute glee- I rub my temple gently as to not unleash my annoyance. That woman is definitely a nutcrack, while these two ... nevermind

I get rid of the vestige of foolishness and sent Regina back to her Mistress. I glare at my butler but he remained amused to it all. To hell with him.

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